

Guidance on terminology, application, and reporting of citation searching: the TARCiS statement
We published TARCiS in the BMJ: 10 specific recommendations, each with a rationale and explanation on when and how to conduct and report citation searching in the context of systematic literature searches.

Digital biomarkers – what is it and what do we really mean when we use the term?
We assessed all studies using the term “digital biomarker”. Most did not provide a definition and the 128 articles with definitions, used 127 different ones. There is clear lack of consensus in this emerging field. Our overview could guide the development of a more harmonised and accepted definition. Please find the publication in BMJ Health Care & Informatics here.

Unlocking Real-World Insights in Multiple Sclerosis: Findings in Pragmatic Trials
RC2NB is starting 2024 strong with the publication of a new scientific article that sheds light on the world of pragmatic trials and their crucial role in providing real-world evidence for treatment decisions in Multiple Sclerosis (MS). A comprehensive analysis was conducted on 48 pragmatic trials from 1967 to 2022, examining their characteristics, demographics, and interventions. Do you want to know more? Check out the publication here.

We published in collaboration with the QUEST Center for Responsible Research an analysis of 1746 trials completed 2009-2017 at German university medical centers. We found that 55% of the trials changed their primary outcome, 23% were major changes – but 14% of changes were only visible in the clinical trial registry history – not when looking at last entry. Only 1% of the trials reported the change in the publication, doi 10.1371/journal.pmed.1004306.

(How) Do We Theorize?: A Focused Mapping Review and Synthesis of Theoretical Nursing Research in the German-Speaking Area Eppel-Meichlinger, Jasmin; Cartaxo, Ana; Clement, Theresa; Hirt, Julian; Wallner, Martin; Mayer, Hanna 2023 Advances in Nursing Science, 2023
[Comprehensive literature searches – an overview] Hirt, Julian; Neyer, Stefanie; Nordhausen, Thomas 2019 GMS Med Bibl Inf (GMS Medizin – Bibliothek – Information), 2019
A randomized trial comparing INR monitoring devices in patients with anticoagulation self-management: Evaluation of a novel error-grid approach Hemkens, L. G.; Hilden, K. M.; Hartschen, S.; Kaiser, T.; Didjurgeit, U.; Hansen, R.; Bender, R.; Sawicki, P. T. 2008 Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis, 2008
A scoping review shows that several nonvalidated budget planning tools for randomized trials are available Speich, B.; Gloy, V.; Schur, N.; Ewald, H.; Hemkens, L. G.; Schwenkglenks, M.; Briel, M. 2020 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2020
A study protocol for the development of a SPIRIT extension for trials conducted using cohorts and routinely collected data (SPIRIT-ROUTINE) McCarthy, M.; O’Keeffe, L.; Williamson, P. R.; Sydes, M. R.; Farrin, A.; Lugg-Widger, F.; Davies, G.; Avery, K.; Chan, A.-W.; Kwakkenbos, L.; Thombs, B. D.; Watkins, A.; Hemkens, L. G.; Gale, C.; Zwarenstein, M.; Langan, S. M.; Thabane, L.; Juszczak, E.; Moher, D.; Kearney, P. M. 2021 HRB Open Research, 2021
A systematic survey of methods guidance suggests areas for improvement regarding access, development, and transparency Hirt, J.; Ewald, H.; Lawson, D. O.; Hemkens, L. G.; Briel, M.; Schandelmaier, S. 2022 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2022
A trial platform to assess approved SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in immunocompromised patients: first sub-protocol for a pilot trial comparing the mRNA vaccines Comirnaty® and COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Moderna® Speich, B.; Chammartin, F.; Smith, D.; Stoeckle, M. P.; Amico, P.; Eichenberger, A. L.; Hasse, B.; Schuurmans, M. M.; Müller, T.; Tamm, M.; Dickenmann, M.; Abela, I. A.; Trkola, A.; Hirsch, H. H.; Manuel, O.; Cavassini, M.; Hemkens, L. G.; Briel, M.; Mueller, N. J.; Rauch, A.; Günthard, H. F.; Koller, M. T.; Bucher, H. C.; Kusejko, K. 2021 Trials, 2021
Abbreviated and comprehensive literature searches led to identical or very similar effect estimates: a meta-epidemiological study Ewald, H.; Klerings, I.; Wagner, G.; Heise, T. L.; Dobrescu, A. I.; Armijo-Olivo, S.; Stratil, J. M.; Lhachimi, S. K.; Mittermayr, T.; Gartlehner, G.; Nussbaumer-Streit, B.; Hemkens, L. G. 2020 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2020
Abbreviated literature searches were viable alternatives to comprehensive searches: a meta-epidemiological study Nussbaumer-Streit, B.; Klerings, I.; Wagner, G.; Heise, T. L.; Dobrescu, A. I.; Armijo-Olivo, S.; Stratil, J. M.; Persad, E.; Lhachimi, S. K.; van Noord, M. G.; Mittermayr, T.; Zeeb, H.; Hemkens, L.; Gartlehner, G. 2018 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2018
Adressatengerechte Aufbereitung von Informationen für Personen mit Demenz: ein Scoping Review Hirt, Julian; Zeller, Adelheid 2019 HeilberufeScience, 2019
Adult attachment’s unique contribution in the prediction of postpartum depressive symptoms, beyond personality traits Axfors, C.; Sylvén, S.; Ramklint, M.; Skalkidou, A. 2017 Journal of Affective Disorders, 2017
Age-stratified infection fatality rate of COVID-19 in the non-elderly population Pezzullo, A. M.; Axfors, C.; Contopoulos-Ioannidis, D. G.; Apostolatos, A.; Ioannidis, J.P.A. 2023 Environmental Research, 2023
Agreement in Risk of Bias Assessment Between RobotReviewer and Human Reviewers: An Evaluation Study on Randomised Controlled Trials in Nursing-Related Cochrane Reviews Hirt, J.; Meichlinger, J.; Schumacher, P.; Mueller, G. 2021 Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 2021
Agreement of treatment effects for mortality from routinely collected data and subsequent randomized trials: Meta-epidemiological survey Hemkens, L. G.; Contopoulos-Ioannidis, D. G.; Ioannidis, J.P.A. 2016 BMJ (Online), 2016
Agreements between Industry and Academia on Publication Rights: A Retrospective Study of Protocols and Publications of Randomized Clinical Trials Kasenda, B.; Elm, E. von; You, J. J.; Blümle, A.; Tomonaga, Y.; Saccilotto, R.; Amstutz, A.; Bengough, T.; Meerpohl, J. J.; Stegert, M.; Olu, K. K.; Tikkinen, K.A.O.; Neumann, I.; Carrasco-Labra, A.; Faulhaber, M.; Mulla, S. M.; Mertz, D.; Akl, E. A.; Bassler, D.; Busse, J. W.; Ferreira-González, I.; Lamontagne, F.; Nordmann, A.; Gloy, V.; Raatz, H.; Moja, L.; Ebrahim, S.; Schandelmaier, S.; Sun, X.; Vandvik, P. O.; Johnston, B. C.; Walter, M. A.; Burnand, B.; Schwenkglenks, M.; Hemkens, L. G.; Bucher, H. C.; Guyatt, G. H.; Briel, M. 2016 PLoS Medicine, 2016
Alcohol consumption habits and associations with anxiety or depressive symptoms postpartum in women with high socioeconomic status in Sweden Lager, S.; Gidén, K.; Axfors, C.; Sigvardsson, F.; Kollia, N.; Nylander, I.; Fransson, E.; Skalkidou, A. 2022 Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 2022
All Nations Depend on the Global Knowledge Pool – Analysis of Country of Origin of Studies Used for Health Technology Assessments in Germany Herrmann, K. H.; Wolff, R.; Scheibler, F.; Waffenschmidt, S.; Hemkens, L. G.; Sauerland, S.; Antes, G. 2013 PLoS ONE, 2013
Aspirin for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease Waltering, A.; Hemkens, L.; Florack, C. 2005 Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift, 2005
Assessing the effects of solid versus liquid dosage forms of oral medications on adherence and acceptability in children Lajoinie, A.; Janiaud, P.; Henin, E.; Gleize, J.-C.; Berlion, C.; Nguyen, K. A.; Nony, P.; Gueyffier, F.; Maucort-Boulch, D.; Kassaï Koupaï, B. 2017 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2017
Assessing the usefulness of randomised trials in obstetrics and gynaecology van ’t Hooft, J.; van Dijk, C. E.; Axfors, C.; Alfirevic, Z.; Oudijk, M. A.; Khan, K. S.; Mol, B.W.J.; Bossuyt, P. M.; Ioannidis, J.P.A. 2023 BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2023
Assessment of pragmatism in recently published randomized clinical trials Janiaud, P.; Dal-Ré, R.; Ioannidis, J.P.A. 2018 JAMA Internal Medicine, 2018
Association between ambient air pollution and diabetes mellitus in Europe and North America: Systematic review and meta-analysis Eze, I. C.; Hemkens, L. G.; Bucher, H. C.; Hoffmann, B.; Schindler, C.; Künzli, N.; Schikowski, T.; Probst-Hensch, N. M. 2015 Environmental Health Perspectives, 2015
Association between convalescent plasma treatment and mortality in COVID-19: a collaborative systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials Axfors, C.; Janiaud, P.; Schmitt, A. M.; van’t Hooft, J.; Smith, E. R.; Haber, N. A.; Abayomi, A.; Abduljalil, M.; Abdulrahman, A.; Acosta-Ampudia, Y.; Aguilar-Guisado, M.; Al-Beidh, F.; Alejandria, M. M.; Alfonso, R. N.; Ali, M.; AlQahtani, M.; AlZamrooni, A.; Anaya, J.-M.; Ang, M.A.C.; Aomar, I. F.; Argumanis, L. E.; Averyanov, A.; Baklaushev, V. P.; Balionis, O.; Benfield, T.; Berry, S.; Birocco, N.; Bonifacio, L. B.; Bowen, A. C.; Bown, A.; Cabello-Gutierrez, C.; Camacho, B.; Camacho-Ortiz, A.; Campbell-Lee, S.; Cao, D. H.; Cardesa, A.; Carnate, J. M.; Castillo, G.J.J.; Cavallo, R.; Chowdhury, F. R.; Chowdhury, F.U.H.; Ciccone, G.; Cingolani, A.; Climacosa, F.M.M.; Compernolle, V.; Cortez, C.F.N.; Costa Neto, A.; D’Antico, S.; Daly, J.; Danielle, F. et al. 2021 BMC Infectious Diseases, 2021
Association of Convalescent Plasma Treatment with Clinical Outcomes in Patients with COVID-19: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Janiaud, P.; Axfors, C.; Schmitt, A. M.; Gloy, V.; Ebrahimi, F.; Hepprich, M.; Smith, E. R.; Haber, N. A.; Khanna, N.; Moher, D.; Goodman, S. N.; Ioannidis, J.P.A.; Hemkens, L. G. 2021 JAMA – Journal of the American Medical Association, 2021
Association of Supporting Trial Evidence and Reimbursement for Off-Label Use of Cancer Drugs Herbrand, A. K.; Schmitt, A. M.; Briel, M.; Ewald, H.; Goldkuhle, M.; Diem, S.; Hoogkamer, A.; Joerger, M.; Moffa, G.; Novak, U.; Hemkens, L. G.; Kasenda, B. 2021 JAMA Network Open, 2021
Association of the COVID-19 outbreak with acute stroke care in Switzerland Marchis, G. M. de; Wright, P. R.; Michel, P.; Strambo, D.; Carrera, E.; Dirren, E.; Luft, A. R.; Wegener, S.; Cereda, C. W.; Kägi, G.; Vehoff, J.; Gensicke, H.; Lyrer, P.; Nedeltchev, K.; Khales, T.; Bolognese, M.; Salmen, S.; Sturzenegger, R.; Bonvin, C.; Berger, C.; Schelosky, L.; Mono, M.-L.; Rodic, B.; Reding, A. von; Schwegler, G.; Tarnutzer, A. A.; Medlin, F.; Humm, A. M.; Peters, N.; Beyeler, M.; Kriemler, L.; Bervini, D.; Fandino, J.; Hemkens, L. G.; Mordasini, P.; Arnold, M.; Fischer, U.; Bonati, L. H. 2022 European Journal of Neurology, 2022
Author Correction: Mortality outcomes with hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine in COVID-19 from an international collaborative meta-analysis of randomized trials (Nature Communications, (2021), 12, 1, (2349), 10.1038/s41467-021-22446-z) Axfors, C.; Schmitt, A. M.; Janiaud, P.; van’t Hooft, J.; Abd-Elsalam, S.; Abdo, E. F.; Abella, B. S.; Akram, J.; Amaravadi, R. K.; Angus, D. C.; Arabi, Y. M.; Azhar, S.; Baden, L. R.; Baker, A. W.; Belkhir, L.; Benfield, T.; Berrevoets, M.A.H.; Chen, C.-P.; Chen, T.-C.; Cheng, S.-H.; Cheng, C.-Y.; Chung, W.-S.; Cohen, Y. Z.; Cowan, L. N.; Dalgard, O.; Almeida e Val, F. F. de; Lacerda, M.V.G. de; Melo, G. C. de; Derde, L.; Dubee, V.; Elfakir, A.; Gordon, A. C.; Hernandez-Cardenas, C. M.; Hills, T.; Hoepelman, A.I.M.; Huang, Y.-W.; Igau, B.; Jin, R.; Jurado-Camacho, F.; Khan, K. S.; Kremsner, P. G.; Kreuels, B.; Kuo, C.-Y.; Le, T.; Lin, Y.-C.; Lin, W.-P.; Lin, T.-H.; Lyngbakken, M. N.; McArthur, C.; McVerry, B. J. et al. 2021 Nature Communications, 2021
Author Correction: Mortality outcomes with hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine in COVID-19 from an international collaborative meta-analysis of randomized trials(Nature Communications, (2021), 12, (1), 10.1038/s41467-021-22446-z) Axfors, C.; Schmitt, A. M.; Janiaud, P.; van’t Hooft, J.; Abd-Elsalam, S.; Abdo, E. F.; Abella, B. S.; Akram, J.; Amaravadi, R. K.; Angus, D. C.; Arabi, Y. M.; Azhar, S.; Baden, L. R.; Baker, A. W.; Belkhir, L.; Benfield, T.; Berrevoets, M.A.H.; Chen, C.-P.; Chen, T.-C.; Cheng, S.-H.; Cheng, C.-Y.; Chung, W.-S.; Cohen, Y. Z.; Cowan, L. N.; Dalgard, O.; Almeida e Val, F. F. de; Lacerda, M.V.G. de; Melo, G. C. de; Derde, L.; Dubee, V.; Elfakir, A.; Gordon, A. C.; Hernandez-Cardenas, C. M.; Hills, T.; Hoepelman, A.I.M.; Huang, Y.-W.; Igau, B.; Jin, R.; Jurado-Camacho, F.; Khan, K. S.; Kremsner, P. G.; Kreuels, B.; Kuo, C.-Y.; Le, T.; Lin, Y.-C.; Lin, W.-P.; Lin, T.-H.; Lyngbakken, M. N.; McArthur, C.; McVerry, B. J. et al. 2024 Nature Communications, 2024
Authors’ reply to Pérol and colleagues Hemkens, L. G.; Contopoulos-Ioannidis, D. G.; Ioannidis, J.P.A. 2016 BMJ (Online), 2016
Barriers and Facilitating Factors for Conducting Systematic Evidence Assessments in Academic Clinical Trials McLennan, S.; Nussbaumer-Streit, B.; Hemkens, L. G.; Briel, M. 2021 JAMA Network Open, 2021
Benefit assessment of digital health applications—challenges and opportunities Hemkens, L. G. 2021 Bundesgesundheitsblatt – Gesundheitsforschung – Gesundheitsschutz, 2021
Benefit assessment of salt reduction in patients with hypertension: Systematic overview Matyas, E.; Jeitler, K.; Horvath, K.; Semlitsch, T.; Hemkens, L. G.; Pignitter, N.; Siebenhofer, A. 2011 Journal of Hypertension, 2011
Better research reporting to improve the utility of routine data for making better treatment decisions Hemkens, L. G.; Langan, S. M.; Benchimol, E. I. 2016 Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research, 2016
Calibrating the scientific ecosystem through meta-research Hardwicke, T. E.; Serghiou, S.; Janiaud, P.; Danchev, V.; Crüwell, S.; Goodman, S. N.; Ioannidis, J.P.A. 2020 Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application, 2020
Cardiovascular effects and safety of long-term colchicine treatment: Cochrane review and meta-analysis Hemkens, L. G.; Ewald, H.; Gloy, V. L.; Arpagaus, A.; Olu, K. K.; Nidorf, M.; Glinz, D.; Nordmann, A. J.; Briel, M. 2016 Heart, 2016
Causal and Associational Language in Observational Health Research: A Systematic Evaluation Haber, N. A.; Wieten, S. E.; Rohrer, J. M.; Arah, O. A.; Tennant, P.W.G.; Stuart, E. A.; Murray, E. J.; Pilleron, S.; Lam, S. T.; Riederer, E.; Howcutt, S. J.; Simmons, A. E.; Leyrat, C.; Schoenegger, P.; Booman, A.; Dufour, M.-S.K.; O’Donoghue, A. L.; Baglini, R.; Do, S.; Takashima, M. R.; Evans, T. R.; Rodriguez-Molina, D.; Alsalti, T. M.; Dunleavy, D. J.; Meyerowitz-Katz, G.; Antonietti, A.; Calvache, J. A.; Kelson, M. J.; Salvia, M. G.; Parra, C. O.; Khalatbari-Soltani, S.; McLinden, T.; Chatton, A.; Seiler, J.; Steriu, A.; Alshihayb, T. S.; Twardowski, S. E.; Dabravolskaj, J.; Au, E.; Hoopsick, R. A.; Suresh, S.; Judd, N.; Peña, S.; Axfors, C.; Khan, P.; Rivera Aguirre, A. E.; Odo, N. U.; Schmid, I.; Fox, M. P. 2022 American journal of epidemiology, 2022
Central diabetes insipidus from a patient’s perspective: management, psychological co-morbidities, and renaming of the condition: results from an international web-based survey Atila, C.; Loughrey, P. B.; Garrahy, A.; Winzeler, B.; Refardt, J.; Gildroy, P.; Hamza, M.; Pal, A.; Verbalis, J. G.; Thompson, C. J.; Hemkens, L. G.; Hunter, S. J.; Sherlock, M.; Levy, M. J.; Karavitaki, N.; Newell-Price, J.; Wass, J.A.H.; Christ-Crain, M. 2022 The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, 2022
Challenges and care strategies associated with the admission to nursing homes in Germany: a scoping review Skudlik, S.; Hirt, J.; Döringer, T.; Thalhammer, R.; Lüftl, K.; Prodinger, B.; Müller, M. 2023 BMC Nursing, 2023
Challenges and Lessons Learned From COVID-19 Trials: Should We Be Doing Clinical Trials Differently? Janiaud, P.; Hemkens, L. G.; Ioannidis, J.P.A. 2021 Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 2021
Change in age distribution of COVID-19 deaths with the introduction of COVID-19 vaccination Pastorino, R.; Pezzullo, A. M.; Villani, L.; Causio, F. A.; Axfors, C.; Contopoulos-Ioannidis, D. G.; Boccia, S.; Ioannidis, J.P.A. 2022 Environmental Research, 2022
Characteristics and interpretation of subgroup analyses based on tumour characteristics in randomised trials testing target-specific anticancer drugs: design of a systematic survey Schandelmaier, S.; Schmitt, A. M.; Herbrand, A. K.; Glinz, D.; Ewald, H.; Briel, M.; Guyatt, G. H.; Hemkens, L. G.; Kasenda, B. 2020 BMJ Open, 2020
Characteristics and survival of patients with cancer with intended off-label use – A cohort study Schmitt, A. M.; Walter, M.; Herbrand, A. K.; Jörger, M.; Moffa, G.; Novak, U.; Hemkens, L.; Kasenda, B. 2022 BMJ Open, 2022
Characteristics of women with different perinatal depression trajectories Wikman, A.; Axfors, C.; Iliadis, S. I.; Cox, J.; Fransson, E.; Skalkidou, A. 2020 Journal of Neuroscience Research, 2020
Characteristics, consent patterns, and challenges of randomized trials using the Trials within Cohorts (TwiCs) design – A scoping review Amstutz, A.; Schönenberger, C. M.; Speich, B.; Griessbach, A.; Schwenke, J. M.; Glasstetter, J.; James, S.; Verkooijen, H. M.; Nickolls, B.; Relton, C.; Hemkens, L. G.; Chammartin, F.; Gerber, F.; Labhardt, N. D.; Schandelmaier, S.; Briel, M. 2024 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2024
Characteristics, Progression, and Output of Randomized Platform Trials: A Systematic Review Griessbach, A.; Schönenberger, C. M.; Taji Heravi, A.; Gloy, V.; Agarwal, A.; Hallenberger, T. J.; Schandelmaier, S.; Janiaud, P.; Amstutz, A.; Covino, M.; Mall, D.; Speich, B.; Briel, M. 2024 , 2024
Citation searching as complementary research method for systematic evidence syntheses Hirt, J.; Nordhausen, T.; Ewald, H. 2022 Pflege, 2022
Citation tracking for systematic literature searching: A scoping review Hirt, J.; Nordhausen, T.; Appenzeller-Herzog, C.; Ewald, H. 2023 Research synthesis methods, 2023
Clinical effectiveness of stress-reduction techniques in patients with hypertension: Systematic reviewand meta-analysis Nagele, E.; Jeitler, K.; Horvath, K.; Semlitsch, T.; Posch, N.; Herrmann, K. H.; Grouven, U.; Hermanns, T.; Hemkens, L. G.; Siebenhofer, A. 2014 Journal of Hypertension, 2014
Clinical trial evidence of quality-of-life effects of disease-modifying therapies for multiple sclerosis: a systematic analysis Hirt, J.; Dembowska, K.; Woelfle, T.; Axfors, C.; Granziera, C.; Kuhle, J.; Kappos, L.; Hemkens, L. G.; Janiaud, P. 2024 Journal of Neurology, 2024
Clinical Trial Evidence Supporting US Food and Drug Administration Approval of Novel Cancer Therapies Between 2000 and 2016 Ladanie, A.; Schmitt, A. M.; Speich, B.; Naudet, F.; Agarwal, A.; Pereira, T. V.; Sclafani, F.; Herbrand, A. K.; Briel, M.; Martin-Liberal, J.; Schmid, T.; Ewald, H.; Ioannidis, J.P.A.; Bucher, H. C.; Kasenda, B.; Hemkens, L. G. 2020 JAMA Network Open, 2020
Clinical trial research agenda on COVID-19 – the first two years in Germany and beyond Hirt, J.; Janiaud, P.; Hemkens, L. G. 2022 Zeitschrift fur Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen, 2022
Clinical trial research on COVID-19 in Germany – a systematic analysis Hirt, Julian; Rasadurai, Abeelan; Briel, Matthias; Düblin, Pascal; Janiaud, Perrine; Hemkens, Lars G. 2021 F1000Res (F1000Research), 2021
Clinical trials were missing from regulatory documents of extended-release methylphenidate for ADHD in adults: a case study of public documents Boesen, K.; Jørgensen, K. J.; Gøtzsche, P. C. 2022 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2022
Clinical trials were missing from regulatory documents of extended-release methylphenidate for ADHD in adults: A case study of public documents: author’s reply Boesen, K.; Jørgensen, K. J.; Gøtzsche, P. C. 2022 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2022
Cohort profile: The Biology, Affect, Stress, Imaging and Cognition (BASIC) study on perinatal depression in a population-based Swedish cohort Axfors, C.; Bränn, E.; Henriksson, H. E.; Hellgren, C.; Kunovac Kallak, T.; Fransson, E.; Lager, S.; Iliadis, S. I.; Sylvén, S.; Papadopoulos, F. C.; Ekselius, L.; Sundström-Poromaa, I.; Skalkidou, A. 2019 BMJ Open, 2019
Colchicine and prevention of cardiovascular events Hemkens, L. G.; Ewald, H.; Briel, M. 2016 JAMA – Journal of the American Medical Association, 2016
Colchicine for prevention of cardiovascular events Hemkens, L. G.; Ewald, H.; Gloy, V. L.; Arpagaus, A.; Olu, K. K.; Nidorf, M.; Glinz, D.; Nordmann, A. J.; Briel, M. 2016 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2016
Colchicine for prevention of cardiovascular events Hemkens, L. G.; Gloy, V. L.; Olu, K. K.; Nordmann, A. J.; Briel, M. 2014 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2014
Colchicine for the secondary prevention of cardiovascular events (Protocol) Ebrahimi, Fahim; Hirt, Julian; Schönenberger, Christof; Ewald, Hannah; Briel, Matthias; Janiaud, Perrine; Hemkens, Lars G. 2023 Cochrane Database Syst Rev (Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews), 2023
Combining meta-epidemiological study datasets on commercial funding of randomised clinical trials: Database, methods, and descriptive results of the COMFIT study Nejstgaard, Camilla Hansen; Lundh, Andreas; Abdi, Suhayb; Clayton, Gemma; Gelle, Mustafe Hassan Adan; Laursen, David Ruben Teindl; Olorisade, Babatunde Kazeem; Savović, Jelena; Hróbjartsson, Asbjørn 2022 Research synthesis methods, 2022
Commentary on Bertagnolli et al: Clinical trial designs with routinely collected real-world data—issues of data quality and beyond Hemkens, L. G. 2020 Clinical Trials, 2020
Community consensus on core open science practices to monitor in biomedicine Cobey, K. D.; Haustein, S.; Brehaut, J.; Dirnagl, U.; Franzen, D. L.; Hemkens, L. G.; Presseau, J.; Riedel, N.; Strech, D.; Alperin, J. P.; Costas, R.; Sena, E. S.; van Leeuwen, T.; Ardern, C. L.; Bacellar, I.O.L.; Camack, N.; Correa, M. B.; Buccione, R.; Cenci, M. S.; Fergusson, D. A.; van Praag, C. G.; Hoffman, M. M.; Bielemann, R. M.; Moschini, U.; Paschetta, M.; Pasquale, V.; Rac, V. E.; Roskams-Edris, D.; Schatzl, H. M.; Stratton, J. A.; Moher, D. 2023 PLoS Biology, 2023
Comparative effectiveness of tenofovir in HIV-infected treatment-experienced patients: systematic review and meta-analysis Ewald, H.; Santini-Oliveira, M.; Bühler, J.-E.; Vuichard, D.; Schandelmaier, S.; Stöckle, M.; Briel, M.; Bucher, H. C.; Hemkens, L. G. 2017 HIV Clinical Trials, 2017
Comparative effectiveness of tenofovir in treatment-näive HIV-infected patients: Systematic review and meta-analysis Hemkens, L. G.; Ewald, H.; Santini-Oliveira, M.; Bühler, J.-E.; Vuichard, D.; Schandelmaier, S.; Stöckle, M.; Briel, M.; Bucher, H. C. 2015 HIV Clinical Trials, 2015
Comparing different scoping and mapping review methodologies: A practical example using the nursing mobile workstation Vanmeenen, M.; Hirt, J.; Malfait, S.; Möhler, R. 2024 Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 2024
Comparison of negative pressure wound therapy using vacuum-assisted closure with advanced moist wound therapy in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers: A multicenter randomized controlled trial Hemkens, L. G.; Waltering, A. 2008 Diabetes Care, 2008
Completion and publication rates of randomized controlled trials in surgery: An empirical study Rosenthal, R.; Kasenda, B.; Dell-Kuster, S.; Elm, E. von; You, J.; Blümle, A.; Tomonaga, Y.; Saccilotto, R.; Amstutz, A.; Bengough, T.; Meerpohl, J. J.; Stegert, M.; Tikkinen, K.A.O.; Neumann, I.; Carrasco-Labra, A.; Faulhaber, M.; Mulla, S.; Mertz, D.; Akl, E. A.; Bassler, D.; Busse, J. W.; Ferreira-González, I.; Lamontagne, F.; Nordmann, A.; Gloy, V.; Olu, K. K.; Raatz, H.; Moja, L.; Ebrahim, S.; Schandelmaier, S.; Sun, X.; Vandvik, P. O.; Johnston, B. C.; Walter, M. A.; Burnand, B.; Schwenkglenks, M.; Hemkens, L. G.; Bucher, H. C.; Guyatt, G. H.; Briel, M. 2015 Annals of Surgery, 2015
Concordance of effects of medical interventions on hospital admission and readmission rates with effects on mortality Hemkens, L. G.; Contopoulos-Ioannidis, D. G.; Ioannidis, J.P.A. 2013 CMAJ. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 2013
Consideration of confounding was suboptimal in the reporting of observational studies in psychiatry: a meta-epidemiological study Munkholm, K.; Faurholt-Jepsen, M.; Ioannidis, J.P.A.; Hemkens, L. G. 2020 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2020
Considering the methodological limitations in the evidence base of antidepressants for depression: A reanalysis of a network meta-analysis Munkholm, K.; Paludan-Müller, A. S.; Boesen, K. 2019 BMJ Open, 2019
CONSORT extension for the reporting of randomised controlled trials conducted using cohorts and routinely collected data (CONSORT-ROUTINE): Checklist with explanation and elaboration Kwakkenbos, L.; Imran, M.; McCall, S. J.; McCord, K. A.; Fröbert, O.; Hemkens, L. G.; Zwarenstein, M.; Relton, C.; Rice, D. B.; Langan, S. M.; Benchimol, E. I.; Thabane, L.; Campbell, M. K.; Sampson, M.; Erlinge, D.; Verkooijen, H. M.; Moher, D.; Boutron, I.; Ravaud, P.; Nicholl, J.; Uher, R.; Sauvé, M.; Fletcher, J.; Torgerson, D.; Gale, C.; Juszczak, E.; Thombs, B. D. 2021 The BMJ, 2021
Contrasting evidence to reimbursement reality for off-label use (OLU) of drug treatments in cancer care: Rationale and design of the CEIT-OLU project Herbrand, A. K.; Schmitt, A. M.; Briel, M.; Diem, S.; Ewald, H.; Hoogkamer, A.; Joerger, M.; Mc Cord, K. A.; Novak, U.; Sricharoenchai, S.; Hemkens, L. G.; Kasenda, B. 2019 ESMO Open, 2019
Correction to: Industry-funded versus non-profit-funded critical care research: a meta-epidemiological overview (Intensive Care Medicine, (2018), 44, 10, (1613-1627), 10.1007/s00134-018-5325-3) Janiaud, P.; Cristea, I.-A.; Ioannidis, J.P.A. 2018 Intensive Care Medicine, 2018
Cross-sectional study of medical advertisements in a national general medical journal: evidence, cost, and safe use of advertised versus comparative drugs Boesen, Kim; Simonsen, Anders Lykkemark; Jørgensen, Karsten Juhl; Gøtzsche, Peter C. 2021 Res Integr Peer Rev (Research Integrity and Peer Review), 2021
Current use and costs of electronic health records for clinical trial research: a descriptive study Mc Cord, K. A.; Ewald, H.; Ladanie, A.; Briel, M.; Speich, B.; Bucher, H. C.; Hemkens, L. G. 2019 CMAJ open, 2019
Data sharing and reanalysis of randomized controlled trials in leading biomedical journals with a full data sharing policy: Survey of studies published in the BMJ and PLOS Medicine Naudet, F.; Sakarovitch, C.; Janiaud, P.; Cristea, I.; Fanelli, D.; Moher, D.; Ioannidis, J.P.A. 2018 BMJ (Online), 2018
Database indexing of health science journals from the German-speaking area: A journal analysis Hirt, J.; Brinkmann, S.; Cadima, R.; Dichter, M. N.; Golla, A.; Kaap-Fröhlich, S.; Kachler, M.; Lauer, N.; Meiling, C.; Messer, M.; Paulicke, D.; Saal, S.; Schmidt, S.; Schwarz, C.; Tholen, R.; Ulrich, G.; Warnke, A.; Abraham, J. 2020 Zeitschrift fur Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen, 2020
Definitions of digital biomarkers: a systematic mapping of the biomedical literature Alonso, A.K.M.; Hirt, J.; Woelfle, T.; Janiaud, P.; Hemkens, L. G. 2024 BMJ Health and Care Informatics, 2024
Delphi studies in social and health sciences—Recommendations for an interdisciplinary standardized reporting (DELPHISTAR). Results of a Delphi study Niederberger, M.; Schifano, J.; Deckert, S.; Hirt, J.; Homberg, A.; Köberich, S.; Kuhn, R.; Rommel, A.; Sonnberger, M.; Alam, M.; Backman, C.; Banno, M.; Bartoszko, J.; Bloomfield, F.; Bober, M. B.; Chalkoo, M.; Chan, T. M.; Chen, Y.; Coscia, C.; Luca, K. de; Demartines, N.; Farzandipour, M.; Goldstein, D.; Goodman, C.; Grant, S.; Hübner, M.; Harris, T.; Howell, M.; Huber, A. M.; Jansen, T. L.; Johnson, N.; Julious, S. A.; Kenny, G. P.; Konge, L.; Kopkow, C.; LaPrade, R. F.; Lim, M.; Loudovici-Krug, D.; Ma, Y.; MacLennan, S.; Mokkink, L. B.; Montero, M.; Myles, P. S.; Nayahangan, L. J.; Pace, N. L.; Page, M. J.; Parente, F.; Payne, K.; Petrovic, M.; Sprung, C. L. et al. 2024 PLoS ONE, 2024
DePreS-G – deutsche Version der Prädiktionsskala Depression nach Schlaganfall (DePreS): Übersetzung und „cognitive debriefing“ Hirt, Julian; van Meijeren, Lianne; Man-van Ginkel, Janneke M. de; Saal, Susanne 2019 HeilberufeScience, 2019
Development of a complex intervention to improve participation of nursing home residents with joint contractures: A mixed-method study Saal, S.; Meyer, G.; Beutner, K.; Klingshirn, H.; Strobl, R.; Grill, E.; Mann, E.; Köpke, S.; Bleijlevens, M.H.C.; Bartoszek, G.; Stephan, A.-J.; Hirt, J.; Müller, M. 2018 BMC Geriatrics, 2018
Die Neuauflage von RefHunter im Webformat: Was kann sie und was ist ihr Ziel? Nordhausen, Thomas; Hirt, Julian 2021 GMS Med Bibl Inf (GMS Medizin – Bibliothek – Information), 2021
Different treatment benefits were estimated by clinical trials performed in adults compared with those performed in children Janiaud, P.; Lajoinie, A.; Cour-Andlauer, F.; Cornu, C.; Cochat, P.; Cucherat, M.; Gueyffier, F.; Kassai, B. 2015 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2015
Differential COVID-19 infection rates in children, adults, and elderly: Systematic review and meta-analysis of 38 pre-vaccination national seroprevalence studies Axfors, C.; Pezzullo, A. M.; Contopoulos-Ioannidis, D. G.; Apostolatos, A.; Ioannidis, J. P. 2023 Journal of global health, 2023
Digitale Anwendungen für die Studienauswahl im Rahmen von systematischen Evidenzsynthesen Hirt, J.; Nordhausen, T. 2019 Pflege, 2019
Discussion on risk of acute heart infarction following coronary stent implantation without adequate clopidogrel treatment Silber, S.; Böhm, M.; Gottwik, M.; Borggrefe, M.; Dietz, R.; Waltering, A.; Hemkens, L.; Engelhardt, K.; Jakasovic, C.; Lenz, C.; Poetzsch, P.; Schelling, U.; Schelling, J.; Standl, A.; Sellmayer, A.; Meyer, F. P.; Sons, H. 2007 Deutsches Arzteblatt, 2007
Do patients with cystic fibrosis participating in clinical trials demonstrate placebo response? A meta-analysis Coton, J.; Le, H.-H.; Veuillet, V.; Janiaud, P.; Cucherat, M.; Kassai-Koupai, B.; Gueyffier, F.; Reix, P. 2019 Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 2019
Dopaminergic agents versus control for enhancing stroke recovery and rehabilitation Engelter, S.; Hemkens, L. G.; Speich, B.; Traenka, C. 2019 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2019
Educational interventions to improve literature searching skills in the health sciences: A scoping review Hirt, J.; Nordhausen, T.; Meichlinger, J.; Braun, V.; Zeller, A.; Meyer, G. 2020 Journal of the Medical Library Association, 2020
Edukative Interventionen zur Verbesserung systematischer Recherchefähigkeiten – Diskussion der Ergebnisse eines Scoping Reviews Nordhausen, Thomas; Hirt, Julian 2020 GMS Med Bibl Inf (GMS Medizin – Bibliothek – Information), 2020
Effect of combination l-citrulline and metformin treatment on motor function in patients with duchenne muscular dystrophy: A randomized clinical Trial Hafner, P.; Bonati, U.; Klein, A.; Rubino, D.; Gocheva, V.; Schmidt, S.; Schroeder, J.; Bernert, G.; Laugel, V.; Steinlin, M.; Capone, A.; Gloor, M.; Bieri, O.; Hemkens, L. G.; Speich, B.; Zumbrunn, T.; Gueven, N.; Fischer, D. 2019 JAMA Network Open, 2019
Effect of dulaglutide in promoting abstinence during smoking cessation: 12-month follow-up of a single-centre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group trial Lüthi, H.; Lengsfeld, S.; Burkard, T.; Meienberg, A.; Jeanloz, N.; Vukajlovic, T.; Bologna, K.; Steinmetz, M.; Bathelt, C.; Sailer, C. O.; Laager, M.; Vogt, D. R.; Hemkens, L. G.; Speich, B.; Urwyler, S. A.; Kühne, J.; Baur, F.; Lutz, L. N.; Erlanger, T. E.; Christ-Crain, M.; Winzeler, B. 2024 eClinicalMedicine, 2024
Effect of dulaglutide in promoting abstinence during smoking cessation: a single-centre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group trial Lengsfeld, S.; Burkard, T.; Meienberg, A.; Jeanloz, N.; Vukajlovic, T.; Bologna, K.; Steinmetz, M.; Bathelt, C.; Sailer, C. O.; Vogt, D. R.; Hemkens, L. G.; Speich, B.; Urwyler, S. A.; Kühne, J.; Baur, F.; Lutz, L. N.; Erlanger, T. E.; Christ-Crain, M.; Winzeler, B. 2023 eClinicalMedicine, 2023
Effect of Wearing Glasses on Risk of Infection with SARS-CoV-2 in the Community: A Randomized Clinical Trial Fretheim, A.; Elgersma, I. H.; Helleve, A.; Elstrøm, P.; Kacelnik, O.; Hemkens, L. G. 2022 JAMA Network Open, 2022
Effectiveness and acceptability of cognitive-behavioural therapy based interventions for maternal peripartum depression: A systematic review, meta-analysis and thematic synthesis protocol Pettman, D.; O’mahen, H.; Skoog Svanberg, A.; Essen, L. von; Axfors, C.; Blomberg, O.; Woodford, J. 2019 BMJ Open, 2019
Effects of remdesivir in patients hospitalised with COVID-19: a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials Amstutz, A.; Speich, B.; Mentré, F.; Rueegg, C. S.; Belhadi, D.; Assoumou, L.; Burdet, C.; Murthy, S.; Dodd, L. E.; Wang, Y.; Tikkinen, K.A.O.; Ader, F.; Hites, M.; Bouscambert, M.; Trabaud, M. A.; Fralick, M.; Lee, T. C.; Pinto, R.; Barratt-Due, A.; Lund-Johansen, F.; Müller, F.; Nevalainen, O.P.O.; Cao, B.; Bonnett, T.; Griessbach, A.; Taji Heravi, A.; Schönenberger, C.; Janiaud, P.; Werlen, L.; Aghlmandi, S.; Schandelmaier, S.; Yazdanpanah, Y.; Costagliola, D.; Olsen, I. C.; Briel, M. 2023 The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 2023
Efficiency of physical therapy on postural imbalance after stroke: Study protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis Hugues, A.; Di Marco, J.; Janiaud, P.; Xue, Y.; Pires, J.; Khademi, H.; Cucherat, M.; Bonan, I.; Gueyffier, F.; Rode, G. 2017 BMJ Open, 2017
EMA and FDA psychiatric drug trial guidelines: Assessment of guideline development and trial design recommendations Boesen, K.; Gøtzsche, P. C.; Ioannidis, J.P.A. 2021 Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 2021
Enhancement of STroke REhabilitation with Levodopa (ESTREL): Rationale and design of a randomized placebo-controlled, double blind superiority trial Zietz, A.; Kaufmann, J. E.; Wiesner, K.; Fischer, S. K.; Wiegert, M.; Verhagen-Kamerbeek, W.D.J.; Rottenberger, Y.; Schwarz, A.; Peters, N.; Gensicke, H.; Medlin, F.; Möller, J. C.; Bujan, B.; Bonati, L. H.; Arnold, M.; Schaedelin, S.; Müri, R. M.; Hemkens, L. G.; Michel, P.; Lyrer, P. A.; Held, J. P.; Ford, G. A.; Luft, A. R.; Traenka, C.; Engelter, S. T. 2024 European Stroke Journal, 2024
Erratum: Subgroup analyses in randomised controlled trials: Cohort study on trial protocols and journal publications (BMJ (Online) (2014) 349 (g4539) DOI: 10.1136/bmj.g4539) Kasenda, B.; Schandelmaier, S.; Sun, X.; Elm, E. von; You, J.; Blümle, A.; Tomonaga, Y.; Saccilotto, R.; Amstutz, A.; Bengough, T.; Meerpohl, J. J.; Stegert, M.; Olu, K. K.; Tikkinen, K.A.O.; Neumann, I.; Carrasco-Labra, A.; Faulhaber, M.; Mulla, S. M.; Mertz, D.; Akl, E. A.; Bassler, D.; Busse, J. W.; Ferreira-González, I.; Lamontagne, F.; Nordmann, A.; Gloy, V.; Raatz, H.; Moja, L.; Rosenthal, R.; Ebrahim, S.; Vandvik, P. O.; Johnston, B. C.; Walter, M. A.; Burnand, B.; Schwenkglenks, M.; Hemkens, L. G.; Bucher, H. C.; Guyatt, G. H.; Briel, M. 2014 BMJ (Online), 2014
Evaluation von digitalen Assistenzsystemen für die Pflege in öffentlich geförderten Forschungsprojekten in Deutschland, Österreich und der deutschsprachigen Schweiz (EvaDigiAssSys): ein Survey Schley, Angelika; Hirt, Julian; Horstmannshoff, Caren; Schüssler, Sandra; Lutze, Maxie; Jagoda, Franziska; Häussl, Alfred; Müller, Martin; Balzer, Katrin 2021 Pflege & Gesellschaft, 2021
Evidence Map – eine methode zur systematischen erschließung von literatur Hirt, J. 2017 Pflege, 2017
Evidence-based practice in Bachelor of Nursing programmes in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland: A survey of general conditions, teaching content and methods Jäger, P.; Hirt, J.; Nordhausen, T.; Vetsch, J.; Balzer, K.; Dichter, M. N.; Müller, G.; Schley, A.; Neyer, S. 2024 Zeitschrift fur Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen, 2024
Evidenzsynthesen: „Focused Mapping Review and Synthesis“ als weiteres Mitglied einer Reviewfamilie? Eppel-Meichlinger, Jasmin; Hirt, Julian 2023 GMS Med Bibl Inf (GMS Medizin – Bibliothek – Information), 2023
Exploring experiences of times without care and encounters in dementia: protocol for a living and adaptive evidence map Hirt, J.; Adlbrecht, L.; Maurer, C.; Beer, T. 2023 BMJ Open, 2023
Extended-release methylphenidate for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults Boesen, K.; Paludan-Müller, A. S.; Gøtzsche, P. C.; Jørgensen, K. J. 2022 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2022
Extended-release methylphenidate for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults Boesen, K.; Danborg, P. B.; Gøtzsche, P. C.; Jørgensen, K. J. 2017 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2017
Extrapolation will never replace randomized clinical trials Janiaud, P.; Cornu, C.; Kassai, B. 2016 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2016
Facilitators and barriers to implement nurse-led interventions in long-term dementia care: a qualitative interview study with Swiss nursing experts and managers Hirt, J.; Karrer, M.; Adlbrecht, L.; Saxer, S.; Zeller, A. 2021 BMC Geriatrics, 2021
Facilitators and barriers to implement nurse-led physical activities for people with dementia in nursing homes: A protocol for a mixed-methods systematic review Hirt, J.; Vetsch, J.; Heinrich, S. 2021 BMJ Open, 2021
Few randomized trials in preterm birth prevention meet predefined usefulness criteria van ‘t Hooft, J.; van Dijk, C. E.; Axfors, C.; Alfirevic, Z.; Oudijk, M. A.; Mol, B.W.J.; Bossuyt, P. M.; Ioannidis, J.P.A. 2023 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2023
Frequency of multiple changes to prespecified primary outcomes of clinical trials completed between 2009 and 2017 in German university medical centers: A meta-research study Holst, M.; Haslberger, M.; Yerunkar, S.; Strech, D.; Hemkens, L. G.; Carlisle, B. G. 2023 PLoS Medicine, 2023
Glucagon-like peptide-1 analogues: a new way to quit smoking? (SKIP)—a structured summary of a study protocol for a randomized controlled study Lengsfeld, S.; Burkard, T.; Meienberg, A.; Jeanloz, N.; Coynel, D.; Vogt, D. R.; Hemkens, L. G.; Speich, B.; Zanchi, D.; Erlanger, T. E.; Christ-Crain, M.; Winzeler, B. 2023 Trials, 2023
GRADE concept 4: rating the certainty of evidence when study interventions or comparators differ from PICO targets Goldkuhle, M.; Guyatt, G. H.; Kreuzberger, N.; Akl, E. A.; Dahm, P.; van Dalen, E. C.; Hemkens, L. G.; Klugar, M.; Mustafa, R. A.; Nonino, F.; Schünemann, H. J.; Trivella, M.; Skoetz, N. 2023 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2023
Guidance on terminology, application, and reporting of citation searching: the TARCiS statement Hirt, J.; Nordhausen, T.; Fuerst, T.; Ewald, H.; Appenzeller-Herzog, C.; Avenell, A.; Bethel, A.; Booth, A.; Carroll, C.; Clark, J.; Glanville, J.; Golder, S.; Hausner, E.; Horsley, T.; Kaunelis, D.; Kirtley, S.; Klerings, I.; Koffel, J.; Levay, P.; McCain, K.; Metzendorf, M.-I.; Moher, D.; Murphy, L.; Rethlefsen, M.; Riegelman, A.; Rogers, M.; Sampson, M. J.; Schneider, J.; Solomons, T.; Weightman, A. 2024 BMJ, 2024
Hand cleaning with ash for reducing the spread of viral and bacterial infections: a rapid review Paludan-Müller, A. S.; Boesen, K.; Klerings, I.; Jørgensen, K. J.; Munkholm, K. 2020 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2020
High certainty evidence is stable and trustworthy, whereas evidence of moderate or lower certainty may be equally prone to being unstable Djulbegovic, B.; Koletsi, D.; Hozo, I.; Price, A.; Martimbianco, A.L.C.; Riera, R.; Nadanovsky, P.; dos Santos, A.P.P.; Pandis, N.; Pacheco, R. L.; Fontes, L. E.; Seehra, J.; Ahmed, M.; Yao, L.; Nunan, D.; Hemkens, L. G. 2024 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2024
High quality (certainty) evidence changes less often than low-quality evidence, but the magnitude of effect size does not systematically differ between studies with low versus high-quality evidence Djulbegovic, B.; Ahmed, M. M.; Hozo, I.; Koletsi, D.; Hemkens, L.; Price, A.; Riera, R.; Nadanovsky, P.; dos Santos, A.P.P.; Melo, D.; Pathak, R.; Pacheco, R. L.; Fontes, L. E.; Miranda, E.; Nunan, D. 2022 Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 2022
HIV infection and cardiovascular disease Hemkens, L. G.; Bucher, H. C. 2014 European Heart Journal, 2014
How Routinely Collected Data for Randomized Trials Provide Long-term Randomized Real-World Evidence Hemkens, L. G. 2018 JAMA Network Open, 2018
How to use FDA drug approval documents for evidence syntheses Ladanie, A.; Ewald, H.; Kasenda, B.; Hemkens, L. G. 2018 BMJ (Online), 2018
Impact of aldosterone antagonists on sudden cardiac death prevention in heart failure and post-myocardial infarction patients: A systematic review and meta analysis of randomized controlled trials Le, H.-H.; El-Khatib, C.; Mombled, M.; Guitarian, F.; Al Gobari, M.; Fall, M.; Janiaud, P.; Marchant, I.; Cucherat, M.; Bejan-Angoulvant, T.; Gueyffier, F. 2016 PLoS ONE, 2016
Implementation of a complex intervention to improve participation in older people with joint contractures living in nursing homes: a process evaluation of a cluster-randomised pilot trial Klingshirn, H.; Müller, M.; Beutner, K.; Hirt, J.; Strobl, R.; Grill, E.; Meyer, G.; Saal, S. 2020 BMC Geriatrics, 2020
In the wake of the replication crisis, reproducibility networks take action against widespread methodological shortcomings Axfors, C.; Thibault, R.; N Goodman, S. 2023 Lakartidningen, 2023
Increasing physical activity for the treatment of hypertension: A systematic review and meta-analysis Semlitsch, T.; Jeitler, K.; Hemkens, L. G.; Horvath, K.; Nagele, E.; Schuermann, C.; Pignitter, N.; Herrmann, K. H.; Waffenschmidt, S.; Siebenhofer, A. 2013 Sports Medicine, 2013
Industry-funded versus non-profit-funded critical care research: a meta-epidemiological overview Janiaud, P.; Cristea, I.-A.; Ioannidis, J.P.A. 2018 Intensive Care Medicine, 2018
Infection fatality rate of COVID-19 in community-dwelling elderly populations Axfors, C.; Ioannidis, J.P.A. 2022 European Journal of Epidemiology, 2022
Instruments assessing medication literacy in adult recipients of care: A systematic review of measurement properties Gentizon, J.; Hirt, J.; Jaques, C.; Lang, P.-O.; Mabire, C. 2021 International Journal of Nursing Studies, 2021
Insufficient evaluation of adverse events is not a proof of safety Hemkens, L. G.; Grouven, U.; Bender, R.; Sawicki, P. T. 2010 Diabetologia, 2010
Insulin glargine and cancer Hemkens, L. G.; Bender, R.; Grouven, U.; Sawicki, P. T. 2009 The Lancet, 2009
Interpretation of epidemiologic studies very often lacked adequate consideration of confounding Hemkens, L. G.; Ewald, H.; Naudet, F.; Ladanie, A.; Shaw, J. G.; Sajeev, G.; Ioannidis, J.P.A. 2018 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2018
Interventions for preventing and reducing the use of physical restraints of older people in general hospital settings Abraham, J.; Hirt, J.; Richter, C.; Köpke, S.; Meyer, G.; Möhler, R. 2022 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2022
Interventions to reduce physical restraints in general hospital settings: A scoping review of components and characteristics Abraham, J.; Hirt, J.; Kamm, F.; Möhler, R. 2020 Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2020
Introducing the Library of Guidance for Health Scientists (LIGHTS): A Living Database for Methods Guidance Hirt, J.; Schönenberger, C. M.; Ewald, H.; Lawson, D. O.; Papola, D.; Rohner, R.; Suter, K.; Lin, S.; Germini, F.; Zeng, L.; Shahabinezhad, A.; Chowdhury, S. R.; Gao, Y.; Bhattacharjee, A.; Lima, J. P.; Marusic, A.; Buljan, I.; Agarwal, A.; Guyatt, G. H.; Briel, M.; Schandelmaier, S. 2023 JAMA Network Open, 2023
Investigating the association between neuroticism and adverse obstetric and neonatal outcomes Axfors, C.; Eckerdal, P.; Volgsten, H.; Wikström, A.-K.; Ekselius, L.; Ramklint, M.; Sundström Poromaa, I.; Skalkidou, A. 2019 Scientific Reports, 2019
Is the perceived placebo effect comparable between adults and children? A meta-regression analysis Janiaud, P.; Cornu, C.; Lajoinie, A.; Djemli, A.; Cucherat, M.; Kassai, B. 2017 Pediatric Research, 2017
Kann Delphi nur Zukunftsforschung? – Ein Blick in die Gesundheitswissenschaften Homberg, Angelika; Hirt, Julian; Niederberger, Marlen 2024 Zeitschrift für Zukunftsforschung, 2024
Lessons learnt from registration of biomedical research Serghiou, S.; Axfors, C.; Ioannidis, J.P.A. 2023 Nature Human Behaviour, 2023
Library of Guidance for Health Scientists (LIGHTS): Eine neue Datenbank für methodische Leitlinien in der klinischen Forschung Hirt, Julian; Ewald, Hannah; Briel, Matthias; Schandelmaier, Stefan 2022 GMS Med Bibl Inf (GMS Medizin – Bibliothek – Information), 2022
Limited evidence of physical therapy on balance after stroke: A systematic review and meta-analysis Hugues, A.; Marco, J. D.; Ribault, S.; Ardaillon, H.; Janiaud, P.; Xue, Y.; Zhu, J.; Pires, J.; Khademi, H.; Rubio, L.; Bernal, P. H.; Bahar, Y.; Charvat, H.; Szulc, P.; Ciumas, C.; Won, H.; Cucherat, M.; Bonan, I.; Gueyffier, F.; Rode, G. 2019 PLoS ONE, 2019
Long-term effects of weight-reducing diets in hypertensive patients Siebenhofer, A.; Jeitler, K.; Berghold, A.; Waltering, A.; Hemkens, L. G.; Semlitsch, T.; Pachler, C.; Strametz, R.; Horvath, K. 2011 Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online), 2011
Low-dose rate brachytherapy for men with localized prostate cancer Peinemann, F.; Grouven, U.; Hemkens, L. G.; Bartel, C.; Borchers, H.; Pinkawa, M.; Heidenreich, A.; Sauerland, S. 2011 Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online), 2011
Mapping and systematic appraisal of umbrella reviews in epidemiological research: a protocol for a meta-epidemiological study Belbasis, L.; Brooker, R. D.; Zavalis, E.; Pezzullo, A. M.; Axfors, C.; Ioannidis, J. P. 2023 Systematic Reviews, 2023
Marginal structural models and other analyses allow multiple estimates of treatment effects in randomized clinical trials: Meta-epidemiological analysis Ewald, H.; Speich, B.; Ladanie, A.; Bucher, H. C.; Ioannidis, J.P.A.; Hemkens, L. G. 2019 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2019
Mathematical model of T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma: Disease, treatment, cure or relapse of a virtual cohort of patients Eymard, N.; Volpert, V.; Kurbatova, P.; Bessonov, N.; Ogungbenro, K.; Aarons, L.; Janiaud, P.; Nony, P.; Bajard, A.; Chabaud, S.; Bertrand, Y.; Kassaï, B.; Cornu, C. 2018 Mathematical Medicine and Biology, 2018
Medical advertisements and scientific journals: Time for editors and publishers to take a stance Boesen, K.; Ioannidis, J.P.A. 2023 Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 2023
Medical journal requirements for clinical trial data sharing: Ripe for improvement Naudet, F.; Siebert, M.; Pellen, C.; Gaba, J.; Axfors, C.; Cristea, I.; Danchev, V.; Mansmann, U.; Ohmann, C.; Wallach, J. D.; Moher, D.; Ioannidis, J.P.A. 2021 PLoS Medicine, 2021
Meta-epidemiological review identified variable reporting and handling of time-to-event analyses in publications of trials included in meta-analyses of systematic reviews Goldkuhle, M.; Hirsch, C.; Iannizzi, C.; Bora, A.-M.; Bender, R.; van Dalen, E. C.; Hemkens, L. G.; Trivella, M.; Monsef, I.; Kreuzberger, N.; Skoetz, N. 2023 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2023
Meta-research on pragmatism of randomized trials: rationale and design of the PragMeta database Hirt, J.; Janiaud, P.; Düblin, P.; Hemkens, L. G. 2023 Trials, 2023
Methods and results used in the development of a consensus-driven extension to the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) statement for trials conducted using cohorts and routinely collected data (CONSORT-ROUTINE) Imran, M.; Kwakkenbos, L.; McCall, S. J.; McCord, K. A.; Fröbert, O.; Hemkens, L. G.; Zwarenstein, M.; Relton, C.; Rice, D. B.; Langan, S. M.; Benchimol, E. I.; Thabane, L.; Campbell, M. K.; Sampson, M.; Erlinge, D.; Verkooijen, H. M.; Moher, D.; Boutron, I.; Ravaud, P.; Nicholl, J.; Uher, R.; Sauvé, M.; Fletcher, J.; Torgerson, D.; Gale, C.; Juszczak, E.; Thombs, B. D. 2021 BMJ Open, 2021
Methods proposed for monitoring the implementation of evidence-based research: a cross-sectional study Puljak, L.; Bala, M. M.; Zając, J.; Meštrović, T.; Buttigieg, S.; Yanakoulia, M.; Briel, M.; Lunny, C.; Lesniak, W.; Poklepović Peričić, T.; Alonso-Coello, P.; Clarke, M.; Djulbegovic, B.; Gartlehner, G.; Giannakou, K.; Glenny, A.-M.; Glenton, C.; Guyatt, G.; Hemkens, L. G.; Ioannidis, J.P.A.; Jaeschke, R.; Juhl Jørgensen, K.; Martins-Pfeifer, C. C.; Marušić, A.; Mbuagbaw, L.; Meneses Echavez, J. F.; Moher, D.; Nussbaumer-Streit, B.; Page, M. J.; Pérez-Gaxiola, G.; Robinson, K. A.; Salanti, G.; Saldanha, I. J.; Savović, J.; Thomas, J.; Tricco, A. C.; Tugwell, P.; van Hoof, J.; Pieper, D. 2024 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2024
Mortality outcomes with hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine in COVID-19 from an international collaborative meta-analysis of randomized trials Axfors, C.; Schmitt, A. M.; Janiaud, P.; van’t Hooft, J.; Abd-Elsalam, S.; Abdo, E. F.; Abella, B. S.; Akram, J.; Amaravadi, R. K.; Angus, D. C.; Arabi, Y. M.; Azhar, S.; Baden, L. R.; Baker, A. W.; Belkhir, L.; Benfield, T.; Berrevoets, M.A.H.; Chen, C.-P.; Chen, T.-C.; Cheng, S.-H.; Cheng, C.-Y.; Chung, W.-S.; Cohen, Y. Z.; Cowan, L. N.; Dalgard, O.; Almeida e Val, F. F. de; Lacerda, M.V.G. de; Melo, G. C. de; Derde, L.; Dubee, V.; Elfakir, A.; Gordon, A. C.; Hernandez-Cardenas, C. M.; Hills, T.; Hoepelman, A.I.M.; Huang, Y.-W.; Igau, B.; Jin, R.; Jurado-Camacho, F.; Khan, K. S.; Kremsner, P. G.; Kreuels, B.; Kuo, C.-Y.; Le, T.; Lin, Y.-C.; Lin, W.-P.; Lin, T.-H.; Lyngbakken, M. N.; McArthur, C.; McVerry, B. J. et al. 2021 Nature Communications, 2021
Navigieren im Dschungel – Empfehlungen zur Auswahl der Fachdatenbanken für eine systematische Literaturrecherche Nordhausen, Thomas; Hirt, Julian 2020 GMS Med Bibl Inf (GMS Medizin – Bibliothek – Information), 2020
Needs of people with dementia and their informal caregivers concerning assistive technologies: A scoping review Hirt, J.; Burgstaller, M.; Zeller, A.; Beer, T. 2019 Pflege, 2019
Network meta-analysis of antidepressants Boesen, K.; Paludan-Müller, A. S.; Munkholm, K. 2018 The Lancet, 2018
Network meta-Analysis: The highest level of medical evidence? Faltinsen, E. G.; Storebø, O. J.; Jakobsen, J. C.; Boesen, K.; Lange, T.; Gluud, C. 2018 Evidence-Based Medicine, 2018
Neuroticism is associated with higher antenatal care utilization in obstetric low-risk women Axfors, C.; Hellgren, C.; Volgsten, H.; Skoog Svanberg, A.; Ekselius, L.; Wikström, A.-K.; Ramklint, M.; Skalkidou, A.; Sundström-Poromaa, I. 2019 Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 2019
New clinical trial designs in the era of precision medicine: An overview of definitions, strengths, weaknesses, and current use in oncology Janiaud, P.; Serghiou, S.; Ioannidis, J.P.A. 2019 Cancer Treatment Reviews, 2019
Niacin for primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular events Schandelmaier, S.; Briel, M.; Saccilotto, R.; Olu, K. K.; Arpagaus, A.; Hemkens, L. G.; Nordmann, A. J. 2017 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2017
Nonrandomized studies using causal-modeling may give different answers than RCTs: a meta-epidemiological study Ewald, H.; Ioannidis, J.P.A.; Ladanie, A.; Mc Cord, K.; Bucher, H. C.; Hemkens, L. G. 2020 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2020
Nonregistration, discontinuation, and nonpublication of randomized trials: A repeated metaresearch analysis Speich, B.; Gryaznov, D.; Busse, J. W.; Gloy, V. L.; Lohner, S.; Klatte, K.; Heravi, A. T.; Ghosh, N.; Lee, H.; Mansouri, A.; Marian, I. R.; Saccilotto, R.; Nury, E.; Kasenda, B.; Ojeda-Ruiz, E.; Schandelmaier, S.; Tomonaga, Y.; Amstutz, A.; Pauli-Magnus, C.; Bischoff, K.; Wollmann, K.; Rehner, L.; Meerpohl, J. J.; Nordmann, A.; Wong, J.; Chow, N.; Hong, P. J.; Cord – De Iaco, K.M.; Sricharoenchai, S.; Agarwal, A.; Schwenkglenks, M.; Hemkens, L. G.; Elm, E. von; Copsey, B.; Griessbach, A. N.; Schönenberger, C.; Mertz, D.; Blümle, A.; Niederhäusern, B. von; Hopewell, S.; Odutayo, A.; Briel, M. 2022 PLoS Medicine, 2022
Nurse-led physical activity interventions for people with dementia in nursing homes: A systematic review on intervention characteristics and implementation facilitators/barriers Hirt, J.; Vetsch, J.; Weissenfels, I.; Heinrich, S. 2024 International Journal of Nursing Studies, 2024
Off-label prescription: experience is a gloomy lantern that does not even illuminate its bearer. Author response Ladanie, A.; Ioannidis, J.P.A.; Stafford, R. S.; Ewald, H.; Bucher, H. C.; Hemkens, L. G. 2018 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2018
Off-label treatments were not consistently better or worse than approved drug treatments in randomized trials Ladanie, A.; Ioannidis, J.P.A.; Stafford, R. S.; Ewald, H.; Bucher, H. C.; Hemkens, L. G. 2018 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2018
One size does not fit all – systematische Literaturrecherche in Fachdatenbanken Hirt, Julian; Nordhausen, Thomas 2019 Klinische Pflegeforschung, 2019
One size does not fit all – systematische Literaturrecherche in Fachdatenbanken Hirt, Julian; Nordhausen, Thomas 2019 Klinische Pflegeforschung, 2019
One size does not fit all – systematische Literaturrecherche in Fachdatenbanken Hirt, Julian; Nordhausen, Thomas 2019 Klinische Pflegeforschung, 2019
One size does not fit all – systematische Literaturrecherche in Fachdatenbanken Hirt, Julian; Nordhausen, Thomas 2019 Klinische Pflegeforschung, 2019
One size does not fit all – systematische Literaturrecherche in Fachdatenbanken Hirt, Julian; Nordhausen, Thomas 2019 Klinische Pflegeforschung, 2019
One size does not fit all – systematische Literaturrecherche in Fachdatenbanken Hirt, Julian; Nordhausen, Thomas 2019 Klinische Pflegeforschung, 2019
One size does not fit all – systematische Literaturrecherche in Fachdatenbanken Nordhausen, Thomas; Hirt, Julian 2019 Klinische Pflegeforschung, 2019
One size does not fit all – systematische Literaturrecherche in Fachdatenbanken Nordhausen, Thomas; Hirt, Julian 2019 Klinische Pflegeforschung, 2019
One size does not fit all – systematische Literaturrecherche in Fachdatenbanken Nordhausen, Thomas; Hirt, Julian 2019 Klinische Pflegeforschung, 2019
One size does not fit all – systematische Literaturrecherche in Fachdatenbanken Nordhausen, Thomas; Hirt, Julian 2019 Klinische Pflegeforschung, 2019
One size does not fit all – systematische Literaturrecherche in Fachdatenbanken Nordhausen, Thomas; Hirt, Julian 2019 Klinische Pflegeforschung, 2019
Online randomized controlled experiments at scale: Lessons and extensions to medicine Kohavi, R.; Tang, D.; Xu, Y.; Hemkens, L. G.; Ioannidis, J.P.A. 2020 Trials, 2020
Open access: how to ensure systematic searching? Hirt, Julian; Nordhausen, Thomas 2020 J Eur Assoc Health Info Libr (Journal of EAHIL), 2020
Options for using assistive technologies for people with dementia in Switzerland: a qualitative interview study with experts Hirt, J.; Meyer, G.; Beer, T. 2021 Zeitschrift fur Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen, 2021
Oral corticosteroids for post-infectious cough in adults: study protocol for a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial in Swiss family practices (OSPIC trial) Merlo, C.; Essig, S.; Brancati-Badarau, D. O.; Leuppi, J. D.; Speich, B.; Erlanger, T. E.; Hemkens, L. G.; Zeller, A. 2020 Trials, 2020
Overlaps of multiple database retrieval and citation tracking in dementia care research: A methodological study Hirt, J.; Bergmann, J.; Karrer, M. 2021 Journal of the Medical Library Association, 2021
Panel stacking is a threat to consensus statement validity Kepp, K. P.; Aavitsland, P.; Ballin, M.; Balloux, F.; Baral, S.; Bardosh, K.; Bauchner, H.; Bendavid, E.; Bhopal, R.; Blumstein, D. T.; Boffetta, P.; Bourgeois, F.; Brufsky, A.; Collignon, P. J.; Cripps, S.; Cristea, I. A.; Curtis, N.; Djulbegovic, B.; Faude, O.; Flacco, M. E.; Guyatt, G. H.; Hajishengallis, G.; Hemkens, L. G.; Hoffmann, T.; Joffe, A. R.; Klassen, T. P.; Koletsi, D.; Kontoyiannis, D. P.; Kuhl, E.; La Vecchia, C.; Lallukka, T.; Lambris, J.; Levitt, M.; Makridakis, S.; Maltezou, H. C.; Manzoli, L.; Marusic, A.; Mavragani, C.; Moher, D.; Mol, B. W.; Muka, T.; Naudet, F.; Noble, P. W.; Nordström, A.; Nordström, P.; Pandis, N.; Papatheodorou, S.; Patel, C. J.; Petersen, I.; Pilz, S. et al. 2024 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2024
Patient involvement to inform the design of a clinical trial in postbariatric hypoglycaemia Hepprich, M.; Donath, M. Y.; Hemkens, L. G. 2020 BMC Medical Research Methodology, 2020
Personal protective effect of wearing surgical face masks in public spaces on self-reported respiratory symptoms in adults: pragmatic randomised superiority trial Solberg, R. B.; Fretheim, A.; Elgersma, I. H.; Fagernes, M.; Iversen, B. G.; Hemkens, L. G.; Rose, C. J.; Elstrøm, P. 2024 BMJ, 2024
Personalized prescription feedback to reduce antibiotic overuse in primary care: Rationale and design of a nationwide pragmatic randomized trial Hemkens, L. G.; Saccilotto, R.; Reyes, S. L.; Glinz, D.; Zumbrunn, T.; Grolimund, O.; Gloy, V.; Raatz, H.; Widmer, A.; Zeller, A.; Bucher, H. C. 2016 BMC Infectious Diseases, 2016
Personalized prescription feedback using routinely collected data to reduce antibiotic use in primary care a randomized clinical trial Hemkens, L. G.; Saccilotto, R.; Reyes, S. L.; Glinz, D.; Zumbrunn, T.; Grolimund, O.; Gloy, V.; Raatz, H.; Widmer, A.; Zeller, A.; Bucher, H. C. 2017 JAMA Internal Medicine, 2017
Persons with dementia as internet users: what are their needs? A qualitative study Schnelli, A.; Hirt, J.; Zeller, A. 2021 Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2021
Pharmacological treatments for generalised anxiety disorder Munkholm, K.; Boesen, K.; Paludan-Müller, A. S. 2019 The Lancet, 2019
Planning and reporting of quality-of-life outcomes in cancer trials Schandelmaier, S.; Conen, K.; Elm, E. von; You, J. J.; Blümle, A.; Tomonaga, Y.; Saccilotto, R.; Amstutz, A.; Bengough, T.; Meerpoh, J. J.; Stegert, M.; Olu, K. K.; Tikkinen, K.A.O.; Neumann, I.; Carrasco-Labra, A.; Faulhaber, M.; Mulla, S. M.; Mertz, D.; Akl, E. A.; Sun, X.; Bassler, D.; Busse, J. W.; Ferreira-González, I.; Lamontagne, F.; Nordmann, A.; Gloy, V.; Raatz, H.; Moja, L.; Rosenthal, R.; Ebrahim, S.; Vandvik, P. O.; Johnston, B. C.; Walter, M. A.; Burnand, B.; Schwenkglenks, M.; Hemkens, L. G.; Bucher, H. C.; Guyatt, G. H.; Briel, M.; Kasenda, B. 2016 Annals of Oncology, 2016
Planning and reporting of quality-of-life outcomes in cancer trials Schandelmaier, S.; Conen, K.; Elm, E. von; You, J. J.; Blümle, A.; Tomonaga, Y.; Amstutz, A.; Briel, M.; Kasenda, B.; Saccilotto, R.; Bengough, T.; Meerpohl, J. J.; Stegert, M.; Olu, K. K.; Tikkinen, K.A.O.; Neumann, I.; Carrasco-Labra, A.; Faulhaber, M.; Mulla, S. M.; Mertz, D.; Akl, E. A.; Sun, X.; Bassler, D.; Busse, J. W.; Ferreira-González, I.; Lamontagne, F.; Nordmann, A.; Gloy, V.; Raatz, H.; Moja, L.; Rosenthal, R.; Ebrahim, S.; Vandvik, P. O.; Johnston, B. C.; Walter, M. A.; Burnand, B.; Schwenkglenks, M.; Hemkens, L. G.; Bucher, H. C.; Guyatt, G. H. 2015 Annals of Oncology, 2015
Population-level COVID-19 mortality risk for non-elderly individuals overall and for non-elderly individuals without underlying diseases in pandemic epicenters Ioannidis, J.P.A.; Axfors, C.; Contopoulos-Ioannidis, D. G. 2020 Environmental Research, 2020
Pre-pregnancy participation and performance in world’s largest cross-country ski race as a proxy for physical exercise and fitness, and perinatal outcomes: Prospective registry-based cohort study Axfors, C.; Wikström, A.-K.; Sundström Poromaa, I.; Hållmarker, U.; Michaëlsson, K.; Wallert, J.; White, R. A.; Skalkidou, A. 2023 BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2023
Predicting perinatal health outcomes using smartphone-based digital phenotyping and machine learning in a prospective Swedish cohort (Mom2B): Study protocol Bilal, A. M.; Fransson, E.; Bränn, E.; Eriksson, A.; Zhong, M.; Gidén, K.; Elofsson, U.; Axfors, C.; Skalkidou, A.; Papadopoulos, F. C. 2022 BMJ Open, 2022
Prediction of RECRUITment in randomized clinical Trials (RECRUIT-IT)-rationale and design for an international collaborative study Kasenda, B.; Liu, J.; Jiang, Y.; Gajewski, B.; Wu, C.; Elm, E. von; Schandelmaier, S.; Moffa, G.; Trelle, S.; Schmitt, A. M.; Herbrand, A. K.; Gloy, V.; Speich, B.; Hopewell, S.; Hemkens, L. G.; Sluka, C.; McGill, K.; Meade, M.; Cook, D.; Lamontagne, F.; Tréluyer, J.-M.; Haidich, A.-B.; Ioannidis, J.P.A.; Treweek, S.; Briel, M. 2020 Trials, 2020
Predictive accuracy of the Post-Stroke Depression Prediction Scale: A prospective binational observational study✰ Hirt, J.; van Meijeren, L.C.J.; Saal, S.; Hafsteinsdóttir, T. B.; Hofmeijer, J.; Kraft, A.; Meyer, G.; Man-van Ginkel, J. M. de 2020 Journal of Affective Disorders, 2020
Preferences for Gender Affirming Treatment and Associated Factors Among Transgender People in Sweden Axfors, C.; Iliadis, S. I.; Rasmusson, L. L.; Beckman, U.; Fazekas, A.; Frisén, L.; Sandström, L.; Thelin, N.; Wahlberg, J.; Skalkidou, A.; Papadopoulos, F. C. 2021 Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 2021
Premature Discontinuation of Pediatric Randomized Controlled Trials: A Retrospective Cohort Study Schandelmaier, S.; Tomonaga, Y.; Bassler, D.; Meerpohl, J. J.; Elm, E. von; You, J. J.; Bluemle, A.; Lamontagne, F.; Saccilotto, R.; Amstutz, A.; Bengough, T.; Stegert, M.; Olu, K. K.; Tikkinen, K.A.O.; Neumann, I.; Carrasco-Labra, A.; Faulhaber, M.; Mulla, S. M.; Mertz, D.; Akl, E. A.; Sun, X.; Busse, J. W.; Ferreira-González, I.; Nordmann, A.; Gloy, V.; Raatz, H.; Moja, L.; Rosenthal, R.; Ebrahim, S.; Vandvik, P. O.; Johnston, B. C.; Walter, M. A.; Burnand, B.; Schwenkglenks, M.; Hemkens, L. G.; Guyatt, G.; Bucher, H. C.; Kasenda, B.; Briel, M. 2017 Journal of Pediatrics, 2017
Premature discontinuation of prospective clinical studies approved by a research ethics committee – A comparison of randomised and non-randomised studies Blümle, A.; Schandelmaier, S.; Oeller, P.; Kasenda, B.; Briel, M.; Elm, E. von; Akl, E. A.; Amstutz, A.; Bassler, D.; Bengough, T.; Bucher, H. C.; Burnand, B.; Busse, J. W.; Carrasco-Labra, A.; Ebrahim, S.; Faulhaber, M.; Gloy, V.; Ferreira-González, I.; Guyatt, G. H.; Hemkens, L. G.; Johnston, B. C.; Lamontagne, F.; Meerpohl, J. J.; Mertz, D.; Moja, L.; Mulla, S.; Neumann, I.; Nordmann, A.; Olu, K. K.; Raatz, H.; Rosenthal, R.; Saccilotto, R.; Schwenkglenks, M.; Stegert, M.; Sun, X.; Tikkinen, K.A.O.; Tomonaga, Y.; Walter, M. A.; Vandvik, P. O.; You, J. J. 2016 PLoS ONE, 2016
Premature discontinuation of randomized trials in critical and emergency care: A retrospective cohort study Schandelmaier, S.; Elm, E. von; You, J. J.; Blümle, A.; Tomonaga, Y.; Lamontagne, F.; Saccilotto, R.; Amstutz, A.; Bengough, T.; Meerpohl, J. J.; Stegert, M.; Olu, K. K.; Tikkinen, K.A.O.; Neumann, I.; Carrasco-Labra, A.; Faulhaber, M.; Mulla, S. M.; Mertz, D.; Akl, E. A.; Sun, X.; Bassler, D.; Busse, J. W.; Ferreira-González, I.; Nordmann, A.; Gloy, V.; Raatz, H.; Moja, L.; Rosenthal, R.; Ebrahim, S.; Vandvik, P. O.; Johnston, B. C.; Walter, M. A.; Burnand, B.; Schwenkglenks, M.; Hemkens, L. G.; Cook, D. J.; Meade, M. O.; Bucher, H. C.; Kasenda, B.; Briel, M. 2016 Critical Care Medicine, 2016
Prepectoral versus subpectoral implant-based breast reconstruction after skin-sparing mastectomy or nipple-sparing mastectomy (OPBC-02/ PREPEC): A pragmatic, multicentre, randomised, superiority trial Kappos, E. A.; Schulz, A.; Regan, M. M.; Moffa, G.; Harder, Y.; Ribi, K.; Potter, S.; Pusic, A. L.; Fehr, M. K.; Hemkens, L. G.; Holzbach, T.; Farhadi, J.; Simonson, C.; Knauer, M.; Verstappen, R.; Bucher, H. C.; Zwahlen, D.; Zimmermann, F.; Schwenkglenks, M.; Mucklow, R.; Shaw, J.; Bjelic-Radisic, V.; Chiorescu, A.; Chun, Y. S.; Farah, S.; Xiaosong, C.; Nigard, L.; Kuemmel, S.; Reitsamer, R.; Hauschild, M.; Fulco, I.; Tausch, C.; Fischer, T.; Sarlos, D.; Constantinescu, M. A.; Lupatsch, J. E.; Fitzal, F.; Heil, J.; Matrai, Z.; Boniface, J. de; Kurzeder, C.; Haug, M.; Weber, W. P. 2021 BMJ Open, 2021
Prevalence, characteristics, and publication of discontinued randomized trials Kasenda, B.; Elm, E. von; You, J.; Blümle, A.; Tomonaga, Y.; Saccilotto, R.; Amstutz, A.; Bengough, T.; Meerpohl, J. J.; Stegert, M.; Tikkinen, K.A.O.; Neumann, I.; Carrasco-Labra, A.; Faulhaber, M.; Mulla, S. M.; Mertz, D.; Akl, E. A.; Bassler, D.; Busse, J. W.; Ferreira-González, I.; Lamontagne, F.; Nordmann, A.; Gloy, V.; Raatz, H.; Moja, L.; Rosenthal, R.; Ebrahim, S.; Schandelmaier, S.; Xin, S.; Vandvik, P. O.; Johnston, B. C.; Walter, M. A.; Burnand, B.; Schwenkglenks, M.; Hemkens, L. G.; Bucher, H. C.; Guyatt, G. H.; Briel, M. 2014 JAMA, 2014
Primary care professionals’ attitudes towards digital health interventions for common mental disorders: Study protocol for a mixed methods systematic review Hanf, M.; Hirt, J.; van den Akker, M. 2021 BMJ Open, 2021
Priorities of nursing research in dementia care in German-speaking countries-A Delphi study Hirt, J.; Burgstaller, M.; Beer, T.; Saxer, S.; Zeller, A. 2020 Pflege, 2020
Problems with evidence assessment in COVID-19 health policy impact evaluation: A systematic review of study design and evidence strength Haber, N. A.; Clarke-Deelder, E.; Feller, A.; Smith, E. R.; Salomon, J. A.; MacCormack-Gelles, B.; Stone, E. M.; Bolster-Foucault, C.; Daw, J. R.; Hatfield, L. A.; Fry, C. E.; Boyer, C. B.; Ben-Michael, E.; Joyce, C. M.; Linas, B. S.; Schmid, I.; Au, E. H.; Wieten, S. E.; Jarrett, B.; Axfors, C.; Nguyen, V. T.; Griffin, B. A.; Bilinski, A.; Stuart, E. A. 2022 BMJ Open, 2022
Protocol for a scoping review to support development of a CONSORT extension for randomised controlled trials using cohorts and routinely collected health data Kwakkenbos, L.; Imran, M.; McCord, K. A.; Sampson, M.; Fröbert, O.; Gale, C.; Hemkens, L. G.; Langan, S. M.; Moher, D.; Relton, C.; Zwarenstein, M.; Benchimol, E. I.; Boutron, I.; Campbell, M. K.; Erlinge, D.; Jawad, S.; Ravaud, P.; Rice, D. B.; Sauve, M.; van Staa, T. P.; Thabane, L.; Uher, R.; Verkooijen, H. M.; Juszczak, E.; Thombs, B. D. 2018 BMJ Open, 2018
Psychometric properties and concurrent validity of the Transgender Congruence Scale (TCS) in the Swedish setting Iliadis, S. I.; Axfors, C.; Friberg, A.; Arinell, H.; Beckman, U.; Fazekas, A.; Frisen, L.; Sandström, L.; Thelin, N.; Wahlberg, J.; Södersten, M.; Papadopoulos, F. C. 2020 Scientific Reports, 2020
Psychometric properties of the attachment style questionnaire in Swedish pregnant women: short and full versions Axfors, C.; Sylvén, S.; Skalkidou, A.; Ramklint, M. 2017 Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 2017
Publications German-speaking countries in high impact journals: Development and validation of a search filter Hirt, J.; Buhtz, C.; Meyer, G.; Balzer, K. 2019 Pflege, 2019
Published registry-based pharmacoepidemiologic associations show limited concordance with agnostic medication-wide analyses Axfors, C.; Patel, C. J.; Ioannidis, J.P.A. 2023 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2023
Quality of antibiotic prescribing of Swiss primary care physicians with high prescription rates: A nationwide survey Glinz, D.; Reyes, S. L.; Saccilotto, R.; Widmer, A. F.; Zeller, A.; Bucher, H. C.; Hemkens, L. G. 2017 Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 2017
Quality of life of adult patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder taking methylphenidate Boesen, K.; Gøtzsche, P. C. 2016 JAMA Psychiatry, 2016
Randomised trials conducted using cohorts: a scoping review Nickolls, B. J.; Relton, C.; Hemkens, L.; Zwarenstein, M.; Eldridge, S.; McCall, S. J.; Griffin, X. L.; Sohanpal, R.; Verkooijen, H. M.; Maguire, J. L.; McCord, K. A. 2024 BMJ Open, 2024
Randomised trials on non-pharmaceutical interventions for COVID-19 as of August 2021: A scoping review Hirt, J.; Janiaud, P.; Hemkens, L. G. 2022 BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, 2022
Randomized COVID-19 vaccination rollout can offer direct real-world evidence Hemkens, L. G.; Goodman, S. N. 2021 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2021
Rapid reviews: A critical perspective Nordhausen, T.; Hirt, J. 2020 Zeitschrift fur Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen, 2020
Rationale and design of repeated cross-sectional studies to evaluate the reporting quality of trial protocols: the Adherence to SPIrit REcommendations (ASPIRE) study and associated projects Gryaznov, D.; Odutayo, A.; Niederhäusern, B. von; Speich, B.; Kasenda, B.; Ojeda-Ruiz, E.; Blümle, A.; Schandelmaier, S.; Mertz, D.; Tomonaga, Y.; Amstutz, A.; Pauli-Magnus, C.; Gloy, V.; Bischoff, K.; Wollmann, K.; Rehner, L.; Lohner, S.; Meerpohl, J. J.; Nordmann, A.; Klatte, K.; Ghosh, N.; Heravi, A. T.; Wong, J.; Chow, N.; Hong, P. J.; Cord, K. M.; Sricharoenchai, S.; Busse, J. W.; Agarwal, A.; Saccilotto, R.; Schwenkglenks, M.; Moffa, G.; Hemkens, L. G.; Hopewell, S.; Elm, E. von; Briel, M. 2020 Trials, 2020
Real-world evidence: How pragmatic are randomized controlled trials labeled as pragmatic? Dal-Ré, R.; Janiaud, P.; Ioannidis, J.P.A. 2018 BMC Medicine, 2018
Recruiting Persons With Dementia: A Systematic Review of Facilitators, Barriers, and Strategies Hirt, J.; Beer, T.; Cavalli, S.; Cereghetti, S.; Pusterla, E.R.G.; Zeller, A. 2024 American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and other Dementias, 2024
Recruitment and Results Reporting of COVID-19 Randomized Clinical Trials Registered in the First 100 Days of the Pandemic Janiaud, P.; Axfors, C.; Ioannidis, J.P.A.; Hemkens, L. G. 2021 JAMA Network Open, 2021
RefHunter 2.0: Update des Manuals zur systematischen Literaturrecherche in Fachdatenbanken Nordhausen, Thomas; Hirt, Julian 2018 GMS Med Bibl Inf (GMS Medizin – Bibliothek – Information), 2018
RefHunter im neuen Webformat: Eine Plattform zur systematischen Literaturrecherche Nordhausen, Thomas; Hirt, Julian 2022 GMS Med Bibl Inf (GMS Medizin – Bibliothek – Information), 2022
Registration and reporting of results from clinical trials in Nordic countries – there is scope for improvement Axfors, C.; Nilsonne, G. 2024 Lakartidningen, 2024
Registration of national health registry-based research Axfors, C.; Fröbert, O.; Janiaud, P.; Zavalis, E.; G Hemkens, L.; P A Ioannidis, J. 2024 Lakartidningen, 2024
Reply to Commentary to Skudlik et al. (2023): why a scoping review and why only Germany? Skudlik, S.; Hirt, J.; Döringer, T.; Thalhammer, R.; Lüftl, K.; Müller, M. 2024 BMC Nurs. (BMC Nursing), 2024
Reporting quality of clinical trial protocols: a repeated cross-sectional study about the Adherence to SPIrit Recommendations in Switzerland, CAnada and GErmany (ASPIRE-SCAGE) Gryaznov, D.; Niederhäusern, B. von; Speich, B.; Kasenda, B.; Ojeda-Ruiz, E.; Blümle, A.; Schandelmaier, S.; Mertz, D.; Odutayo, A.; Tomonaga, Y.; Amstutz, A.; Pauli-Magnus, C.; Gloy, V.; Lohner, S.; Bischoff, K.; Wollmann, K.; Rehner, L.; Meerpohl, J. J.; Nordmann, A.; Klatte, K.; Ghosh, N.; Heravi, A. T.; Wong, J.; Chow, N.; Hong, P.; Iaco, K.A.M. de; Sricharoenchai, S.; Busse, J. W.; Agarwal, A.; Saccilotto, R.; Schwenkglenks, M.; Moffa, G.; Hemkens, L.; Hopewell, S.; Elm, E. von; Briel, M. 2022 BMJ Open, 2022
Reporting quality of trial protocols improved for non-regulated interventions but not regulated interventions: A repeated cross-sectional study Lohner, S.; Gryaznov, D.; Niederhäusern, B. von; Speich, B.; Kasenda, B.; Ojeda-Ruiz, E.; Schandelmaier, S.; Mertz, D.; Odutayo, A.; Tomonaga, Y.; Amstutz, A.; Pauli-Magnus, C.; Gloy, V.; Bischoff, K.; Wollmann, K.; Rehner, L.; Meerpohl, J. J.; Nordmann, A.; Klatte, K.; Ghosh, N.; Heravi, A. T.; Wong, J.; Chow, N.; Hong, P. J.; McCord, K.; Sricharoenchai, S.; Busse, J. W.; Agarwal, A.; Saccilotto, R.; Schwenkglenks, M.; Moffa, G.; Hemkens, L. G.; Hopewell, S.; Elm, E. von; Blümle, A.; Briel, M. 2021 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2021
Reporting transparency and completeness in trials: Paper 1: Introduction – Better reporting for disruptive clinical trials using routinely collected data Hemkens, L. G.; Juszczak, E.; Thombs, B. D. 2022 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2022
Reporting transparency and completeness in Trials: Paper 2 – reporting of randomised trials using registries was often inadequate and hindered the interpretation of results Mc Cord, K. A.; Imran, M.; Rice, D. B.; McCall, S. J.; Kwakkenbos, L.; Sampson, M.; Fröbert, O.; Gale, C.; Langan, S. M.; Moher, D.; Relton, C.; Zwarenstein, M.; Juszczak, E.; Thombs, B. D.; Hemkens, L. G. 2022 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2022
Reporting transparency and completeness in trials: Paper 3 – trials conducted using administrative databases do not adequately report elements related to use of databases Imran, M.; Mc Cord, K.; McCall, S. J.; Kwakkenbos, L.; Sampson, M.; Fröbert, O.; Gale, C.; Hemkens, L. G.; Langan, S. M.; Moher, D.; Relton, C.; Zwarenstein, M.; Juszczak, E.; Thombs, B. D. 2022 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2022
Reporting transparency and completeness in trials: Paper 4 – reporting of randomised controlled trials conducted using routinely collected electronic records – room for improvement McCall, S. J.; Imran, M.; Hemkens, L. G.; Mc Cord, K.; Kwakkenbos, L.; Sampson, M.; Jawad, S.; Zwarenstein, M.; Relton, C.; Langan, S. M.; Moher, D.; Fröbert, O.; Thombs, B. D.; Gale, C.; Juszczak, E. 2022 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2022
Representation of nursing scientists from German-speaking countries in high impact journals – A bibliometric publication analysis Hirt, J.; Buhtz, C.; Mersdorf, B.; Meyer, G. 2018 Pflege, 2018
Requesting conflicts of interest declarations from the European Medicines Agency: 3-year follow-up status Boesen, K.; Gotzsche, P. C.; Ioannidis, J.P.A. 2024 Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 2024
Research Rigor and Reproducibility in Research Education: A CTSA Institutional Survey Axfors, C.; Malički, M.; Goodman, S. N. 2024 Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 2024
Resource use, costs, and approval times for planning and preparing a randomized clinical trial before and after the implementation of the new Swiss human research legislation Speich, B.; Schur, N.; Gryaznov, D.; Niederhäusern, B. von; Hemkens, L. G.; Schandelmaier, S.; Amstutz, A.; Kasenda, B.; Pauli-Magnus, C.; Ojeda-Ruiz, E.; Tomonaga, Y.; McCord, K.; Nordmann, A.; Elm, E. von; Briel, M.; Schwenkglenks, M. 2019 PLoS ONE, 2019
Retrospective assessment of resource use and costs in two investigator-initiated randomized trials exemplified a comprehensive cost item list Speich, B.; Niederhäusern, B. von; Blum, C. A.; Fürst, T.; Kasenda, B.; Christ-Crain, M.; Hemkens, L. G.; Pauli-Magnus, C.; Schwenkglenks, M.; Briel, M. 2018 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2018
Risk of malignancies in patients with diabetes treated with human insulin or insulin analogues: A cohort study Hemkens, L. G.; Grouven, U.; Bender, R.; Günster, C.; Gutschmidt, S.; Selke, G. W.; Sawicki, P. T. 2009 Diabetologia, 2009
Risk of malignancies in patients with diabetes treated with human insulin or insulin analogues. Reply to Nagel JM, Mansmann U, Wegscheider K et al. [letter] and Simon D [letter] Grouven, U.; Hemkens, L. G.; Bender, R.; Sawicki, P. T. 2010 Diabetologia, 2010
Rituximab in primary central nervous system lymphoma—A systematic review and meta-analysis Schmitt, A. M.; Herbrand, A. K.; Fox, C. P.; Bakunina, K.; Bromberg, J.E.C.; Cwynarski, K.; Doorduijn, J. K.; Ferreri, A.J.M.; Illerhaus, G.; Issa, S.; Schorb, E.; Zucca, E.; Hemkens, L. G.; Schandelmaier, S.; Kasenda, B. 2019 Hematological Oncology, 2019
Robotic systems for care at home: A scoping review Buhtz, C.; Paulicke, D.; Hirt, J.; Schwarz, K.; Stoevesandt, D.; Meyer, G.; Jahn, P. 2018 Zeitschrift fur Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen, 2018
Robustness of reported postacute health outcomes in children with SARS-CoV-2 infection: A systematic review Hirt, J.; Janiaud, P.; Gloy, V. L.; Schandelmaier, S.; Pereira, T. V.; Contopoulos-Ioannidis, D.; Goodman, S. N.; Ioannidis, J.; Munkholm, K.; Hemkens, L. G. 2022 Archives of Disease in Childhood, 2022
Routinely collected data and comparative effectiveness evidence: Promises and limitations Hemkens, L. G.; Contopoulos-Ioannidis, D. G.; Ioannidis, J.P.A. 2016 CMAJ, 2016
Routinely collected data for randomized trials: Promises, barriers, and implications Mc Cord, K. A.; Al-Shahi Salman, R.; Treweek, S.; Gardner, H.; Strech, D.; Whiteley, W.; Ioannidis, J.P.A.; Hemkens, L. G. 2018 Trials, 2018
Searching a methods topic: practical challenges and implications for search design Hirt, Julian; Ewald, Hannah; Briel, Matthias; Schandelmaier, Stefan 2024 J Clin Epidemiol (Journal of Clinical Epidemiology), 2024
Searching two or more databases decreased the risk of missing relevant studies: a metaresearch study Ewald, H.; Klerings, I.; Wagner, G.; Heise, T. L.; Stratil, J. M.; Lhachimi, S. K.; Hemkens, L. G.; Gartlehner, G.; Armijo-Olivo, S.; Nussbaumer-Streit, B. 2022 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2022
Second versus first wave of COVID-19 deaths: Shifts in age distribution and in nursing home fatalities Ioannidis, J.P.A.; Axfors, C.; Contopoulos-Ioannidis, D. G. 2021 Environmental Research, 2021
Self-Harm Thoughts Postpartum as a Marker for Long-Term Morbidity Iliadis, S. I.; Skalkidou, A.; Ranstrand, H.; Georgakis, M. K.; Axfors, C.; Papadopoulos, F. C. 2018 Frontiers in Public Health, 2018
Self-management of oral anticoagulation in elderly patients – Effects on treatment-related Quality of Life Siebenhofer, A.; Hemkens, L. G.; Rakovac, I.; Spat, S.; Didjurgeit, U. 2012 Thrombosis Research, 2012
Severe obstetric lacerations associated with postpartum depression among women with low resilience – a Swedish birth cohort study Asif, S.; Mulic-Lutvica, A.; Axfors, C.; Eckerdal, P.; Iliadis, S. I.; Fransson, E.; Skalkidou, A. 2020 BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2020
Single pivotal trials with few corroborating characteristics were used for FDA approval of cancer therapies Ladanie, A.; Speich, B.; Briel, M.; Sclafani, F.; Bucher, H. C.; Agarwal, A.; Ioannidis, J.P.A.; Pereira, T. V.; Kasenda, B.; Hemkens, L. G. 2019 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2019
Single-dose versus 3-day cotrimoxazole prophylaxis in transurethral resection or greenlight laser vaporisation of the prostate: Study protocol for a multicentre randomised placebo controlled non-inferiority trial (CITrUS trial) Speich, B.; Bausch, K.; Roth, J. A.; Hemkens, L. G.; Ewald, H.; Vogt, D. R.; Bruni, N.; Deuster, S.; Seifert, H.-H.; Widmer, A. F. 2019 Trials, 2019
Social robot interventions for people with dementia: A systematic review on effects and quality of reporting Hirt, J.; Ballhausen, N.; Hering, A.; Kliegel, M.; Beer, T.; Meyer, G. 2021 Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 2021
Staff-to-resident abuse in nursing homes: a scoping review Hirt, J.; Adlbrecht, L.; Heinrich, S.; Zeller, A. 2022 BMC Geriatrics, 2022
Strength of statistical evidence for the efficacy of cancer drugs: a Bayesian reanalysis of randomized trials supporting Food and Drug Administration approval Pittelkow, M.-M.; Linde, M.; Vries, Y. A. de; Hemkens, L. G.; Schmitt, A. M.; Meijer, R. R.; van Ravenzwaaij, D. 2024 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2024
Subclinical giant cell arteritis in new onset polymyalgia rheumatica A systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data Hemmig, A. K.; Gozzoli, D.; Werlen, L.; Ewald, H.; Aschwanden, M.; Blockmans, D.; Brouwer, E.; Buchanan, R.R.C.; Camellino, D.; Campochiaro, C.; Cimmino, M. A.; Corominas, H.; Gloy, V.; Henckaerts, L.; Kyburz, D.; Moya-Alvarado, P.; Owen, C. E.; Stegert, M.; Tomelleri, A.; van Sleen, Y.; Yamashita, H.; Imfeld, S.; Berger, C. T.; Hemkens, L. G.; Daikeler, T. 2022 Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, 2022
Subgroup analyses in randomised controlled trials: Cohort study on trial protocols and journal publications Kasenda, B.; Schandelmaier, S.; Sun, X.; Elm, E. von; You, J.; Blümle, A.; Tomonaga, Y.; Saccilotto, R.; Amstutz, A.; Bengough, T.; Meerpohl, J. J.; Stegert, M.; Olu, K. K.; Tikkinen, K.A.O.; Neumann, I.; Carrasco-Labra, A.; Faulhaber, M.; Mulla, S. M.; Mertz, D.; Akl, E. A.; Bassler, D.; Busse, J. W.; Ferreira-González, I.; Lamontagne, F.; Nordmann, A.; Gloy, V.; Raatz, H.; Moja, L.; Rosenthal, R.; Ebrahim, S.; Vandvik, P. O.; Johnston, B. C.; Walter, M. A.; Burnand, B.; Schwenkglenks, M.; Hemkens, L. G.; Bucher, H. C.; Guyatt, G. H.; Briel, M. 2014 BMJ (Online), 2014
Systematic review and simulation study of ignoring clustered data in surgical trials Dell-Kuster, S.; Droeser, R. A.; Schäfer, J.; Gloy, V.; Ewald, H.; Schandelmaier, S.; Hemkens, L. G.; Bucher, H. C.; Young, J.; Rosenthal, R. 2018 British Journal of Surgery, 2018
Systematic review on costs and resource use of randomized clinical trials shows a lack of transparent and comprehensive data Speich, B.; Niederhäusern, B. von; Schur, N.; Hemkens, L. G.; Fürst, T.; Bhatnagar, N.; Alturki, R.; Agarwal, A.; Kasenda, B.; Pauli-Magnus, C.; Schwenkglenks, M.; Briel, M. 2018 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2018
Systematische und transparente Entwicklung und Dokumentation einer umfassenden Literaturrecherche: Ein Vorschlag für ein Rechercheprotokoll Hirt, Julian; Nordhausen, Thomas 2022 GMS Med Bibl Inf (GMS Medizin – Bibliothek – Information), 2022
Technology-Based Counselling for People with Dementia and Their Informal Carers: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Bauernschmidt, D.; Hirt, J.; Langer, G.; Meyer, G.; Unverzagt, S.; Wilde, F.; Wittmann, J.; Bieber, A. 2023 Journal of Alzheimer’s disease : JAD, 2023
Technology-based counselling in dementia (TeCoDem): Study protocol of a mixed-methods systematic review with qualitative comparative analysis and meta-analysis Hirt, J.; Langer, G.; Wilde, F.; Bauernschmidt, D.; Meyer, G.; Bieber, A. 2021 BMJ Open, 2021
Ten simple rules for good research practice Schwab, S.; Janiaud, P.; Dayan, M.; Amrhein, V.; Panczak, R.; Palagi, P. M.; Hemkens, L. G.; Ramon, M.; Rothen, N.; Senn, S.; Furrer, E.; Held, L. 2022 PLoS Computational Biology, 2022
The benefit-risk balance for biological agents in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials Cabrera, N.; Avila-Pedretti, G.; Belot, A.; Larbre, J.-P.; Mainbourg, S.; Duquesne, A.; Janiaud, P.; Kassai, B.; Cucherat, M.; Lega, J.-C. 2020 Rheumatology (United Kingdom), 2020
The Cochrane Collaboration withdraws a review on methylphenidate for adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Boesen, K.; Saiz, L. C.; Erviti, J.; Storebø, O. J.; Gluud, C.; Gøtzsche, P. C.; Jørgensen, K. J. 2017 Evidence-Based Medicine, 2017
The Comparative Effectiveness of Innovative Treatments for Cancer (CEIT-Cancer) project: Rationale and design of the database and the collection of evidence available at approval of novel drugs Ladanie, A.; Speich, B.; Naudet, F.; Agarwal, A.; Pereira, T. V.; Sclafani, F.; Martin-Liberal, J.; Schmid, T.; Ewald, H.; Ioannidis, J.P.A.; Bucher, H. C.; Kasenda, B.; Hemkens, L. G. 2018 Trials, 2018
The evidence base of US Food and Drug Administration approvals of novel cancer therapies from 2000 to 2020 Gloy, V.; Schmitt, A. M.; Düblin, P.; Hirt, J.; Axfors, C.; Kuk, H.; Pereira, T. V.; Locher, C.; Caquelin, L.; Walter-Claudi, M.; Lythgoe, M. P.; Herbrand, A.; Kasenda, B.; Hemkens, L. G. 2023 International Journal of Cancer, 2023
The Guidelines for Reporting of Studies Conducted Using Observational Routinely Collected Health Data Statement for Pharmacoepidemiology (RECORD-PE) Langan, S. M.; Schmidt, S.A.J.; Wing, K.; Ehrenstein, V.; Nicholls, S. G.; Filion, K. B.; Klungel, O.; Petersen, I.; SØrensen, H. T.; Dixon, W. G.; Guttmann, A.; Harron, K.; Hemkens, L. G.; Moher, D.; Schneeweiss, S.; Smeeth, L.; Sturkenboom, M.; Elm, E. von; Wang, S. V.; Benchimol, E. I. 2019 CMAJ, 2019
The Implementation Success of Technology-Based Counseling in Dementia Care: Scoping Review Bauernschmidt, D.; Wittmann, J.; Hirt, J.; Meyer, G.; Bieber, A. 2024 JMIR Aging, 2024
The polarised discourse around face masks is hindering constructive debate Fretheim, A.; Solberg, R. B.; Hemkens, L. G. 2024 BMJ, 2024
The REporting of studies Conducted using Observational Routinely collected health Data (RECORD) statement: Guidelines for the reporting of studies conducted based on routinely collected health data Benchimol, E. I.; Smeeth, L.; Guttmann, A.; Harron, K.; Moher, D.; Petersen, I.; SØrensen, H. T.; Januel, J.; Elm, E. von; Langan, S. M.; Altman, D.; Klerk, N. de; Hemkens, L. G.; Henry, D.; Le Pogam, M.; Manuel, D.; Patrick, K.; Perel, P.; Romano, P. S.; Tugwell, P.; Warren, J.; Weber, W.; Winker, M. 2019 CMAJ, 2019
The reporting of studies conducted using observational routinely collected health data statement for pharmacoepidemiology (RECORD-PE) Langan, S. M.; Schmidt, S. A.; Wing, K.; Ehrenstein, V.; Nicholls, S. G.; Filion, K. B.; Klungel, O.; Petersen, I.; Sorensen, H. T.; Dixon, W. G.; Guttmann, A.; Harron, K.; Hemkens, L. G.; Moher, D.; Schneeweiss, S.; Smeeth, L.; Sturkenboom, M.; Elm, E. von; Wang, S. V.; Benchimol, E. I. 2018 The BMJ, 2018
The REporting of studies Conducted using Observational Routinely-collected health Data (RECORD) statement Benchimol, E. I.; Smeeth, L.; Guttmann, A.; Harron, K.; Hemkens, L. G.; Moher, D.; Petersen, I.; SØrensen, H. T.; Elm, E. von; Langan, S. M. 2016 Zeitschrift fur Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen, 2016
The reporting of studies using routinely collected health data was often insufficient Hemkens, L. G.; Benchimol, E. I.; Langan, S. M.; Briel, M.; Kasenda, B.; Januel, J.-M.; Herrett, E.; Elm, E. von 2016 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2016
The US Food and Drug Administration’s authorisation of Purdue’s controlled-release methylphenidate for adult ADHD: comments on the regulatory practice Boesen, K.; Juhl Jørgensen, K.; Gøtzsche, P. C. 2021 Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 2021
The worldwide clinical trial research response to the COVID-19 pandemic – the first 100 days Hemkens, L. G.; Janiaud, P.; Axfors, C.; van’t Hooft, J.; Saccilotto, R.; Agarwal, A.; Appenzeller-Herzog, C.; Contopoulos-Ioannidis, D. G.; Danchev, V.; Dirnagl, U.; Ewald, H.; Gartlehner, G.; Goodman, S. N.; Haber, N. A.; Ioannidis, A. D.; Ioannidis, J.P.A.; Lythgoe, M. P.; Ma, W.; Macleod, M.; Malički, M.; Meerpohl, J. J.; Min, Y.; Moher, D.; Nagavci, B.; Naudet, F.; Pauli-Magnus, C.; O’Sullivan, J. W.; Riedel, N.; Roth, J. A.; Sauermann, M.; Schandelmaier, S.; Schmitt, A. M.; Speich, B.; Williamson, P. R. 2020 F1000Research, 2020
Towards the development of a comprehensive framework: Qualitative systematic survey of definitions of clinical research quality Niederhäusern, B. von; Schandelmaier, S.; Bonde, M. M.; Brunner, N.; Hemkens, L. G.; Rutquist, M.; Bhatnagar, N.; Guyatt, G. H.; Pauli-Magnus, C.; Briel, M. 2017 PLoS ONE, 2017
Treatment effects in randomised trials using routinely collected data for outcome assessment versus traditional trials: meta-research study Mc Cord, K. A.; Ewald, H.; Agarwal, A.; Glinz, D.; Aghlmandi, S.; Ioannidis, J.P.A.; Hemkens, L. G. 2021 The BMJ, 2021
Treatments for subacute cough in primary care: Systematic review and meta-analyses of randomised clinical trials Speich, B.; Thomer, A.; Aghlmandi, S.; Ewald, H.; Zeller, A.; Hemkens, L. G. 2018 British Journal of General Practice, 2018
Trends in the number and the quality of trial protocols involving children submitted to a French Institutional Review Board Gautier, I.; Janiaud, P.; Rollet, N.; André, N.; Tsimaratos, M.; Cornu, C.; Malik, S.; Gentile, S.; Kassaï, B. 2017 BMC Medical Research Methodology, 2017
U.s. food and drug administration reasoning in approval decisions when efficacy evidence is borderline, 2013-2018 Janiaud, P.; Irony, T.; Russek-Cohen, E.; Goodman, S. N. 2021 Annals of Internal Medicine, 2021
Use and impact of virtual reality simulation in dementia care education: A scoping review Hirt, J.; Beer, T. 2020 Nurse Education Today, 2020
Use of available clinical evidence to extrapolate drug effects from adults to children Janiaud, P.; Glais, F.; Grenet, G.; Lajoinie, A.; Cornu, C.; Kassai-Koupai, B. 2018 Therapie, 2018
Use of pragmatic randomized trials in multiple sclerosis: A systematic overview Hirt, J.; Janiaud, P.; Düblin, P.; Nicoletti, G. J.; Dembowska, K.; Nguyen, T.V.T.; Woelfle, T.; Axfors, C.; Yaldizli, Ö.; Granziera, C.; Kuhle, J.; Kappos, L.; Hemkens, L. G. 2024 Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 2024
Using citation tracking for systematic literature searching – study protocol for a scoping review of methodological studies and a Delphi study Hirt, J.; Nordhausen, T.; Appenzeller-Herzog, C.; Ewald, H. 2021 F1000Research, 2021
Using electronic health records for clinical trials: Where do we stand and where can we go? McCord, K. A.; Hemkens, L. G. 2019 CMAJ, 2019
Using the phases of clinical development of medicines to describe clinical trials assessing other interventions is widespread but not useful Dal-Ré, R.; Banzi, R.; Cristea, I. A.; Fernández-de-las-Peñas, C.; Hemkens, L. G.; Janiaud, P.; Jansen, M. S.; Naudet, F.; Rosendaal, F. R. 2023 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2023
Utmaningar för den forskande läkaren Nilsonne, G.; Axfors, C.; Zavalis, E. 2023 Lakartidningen, 2023
Validated geographic search filters for bibliographic databases: a scoping review protocol Muente, C.; Pachanov, A.; Hirt, J.; Ayiku, L.; Pieper, D. 2024 JBI Evidence Synthesis, 2024
Validity of observational evidence on putative risk and protective factors: appraisal of 3744 meta-analyses on 57 topics Janiaud, P.; Agarwal, A.; Tzoulaki, I.; Theodoratou, E.; Tsilidis, K. K.; Evangelou, E.; Ioannidis, J.P.A. 2021 BMC Medicine, 2021
What feedback do reviewers give when reviewing qualitative manuscripts? A focused mapping review and synthesis Herber, O. R.; Bradbury-Jones, C.; Böling, S.; Combes, S.; Hirt, J.; Koop, Y.; Nyhagen, R.; Veldhuizen, J. D.; Taylor, J. 2020 BMC Medical Research Methodology, 2020
What hinders and facilitates the implementation of nurse-led interventions in dementia care? A scoping review Karrer, M.; Hirt, J.; Zeller, A.; Saxer, S. 2020 BMC Geriatrics, 2020
Women with prolonged nausea in pregnancy have increased risk for depressive symptoms postpartum Iliadis, S. I.; Axfors, C.; Johansson, S.; Skalkidou, A.; Mulic-Lutvica, A. 2018 Scientific Reports, 2018

List of publications as of May 2, 2024.